Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/408

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308 EIGHTEENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch.112,113,114, 115. 1824. eountsofJohn principles of equity and justice, and to make such allowances to the B- F¤¤¤i¤s· administrator of his estate, as, under the circumstances of the ease, Prcvim shall appear just and reasonable: Provided, however, That no allowance l shall be made by virtue of this act, beyond the balance now standing against said Fanning on the books of the navy department. Approved, May 19, 1824. S·u·ru·rn I. *“"" May 19, 1824. Cru?. CXlI.—»dn .0ct for the relief of Joseph Firman and others. Be it enacted, &c., That Joseph Firman, and others, of the parish of ]¤=¤PhFi¤¤¤¤ Avoyelles, in Louisiana, who hold under a grant made about the year i':,g;l:;“’gn_ seventeen hundred and eighty-two, or three, to one Beaumond, an officgr firmed in iheir under the late Spanish government in Louisiana, be, and they are hereby,

  • 0165*0 ¤¤’¤0¤ confirmed in their title or titles to a tract of land, twenty arpens in

°f 1°‘"d' front, with the depth of forty arpens, in proportion to the quantity of land which each one holds from the said Beaumond; the said tract being the same which the said Joseph Firman, and others, or those under whom they hold, have inhabited and cultivated for more than thirty years; the boundaries of which said tract of land to be more particularly designated under the direction of the Register of the Land Proviso. Office at Opelousas, in Louisiana: Provided, This section shall only operate as a relinquishment on the part of the United States, and shall _ not affect the rights of any third person. t§g‘n':'*i°P:;<; by Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Trea- S_ w be Many sury be, and he is hereby, directed to cause to be refunded to the said ed. Joseph Firman, and others, or their legal representatives, any sum or sums of money which he or they may have paid to the United States, for the purchase of said tract of land, or any part thereo£ Armtovan, May 19, 1824. S·rno·rs I. "_" May rg, 1824_ Cin?. CXIII.—-An Act for the relief of Robert S. Foreman. Be it enacted, dce., That the Secretary of War cause to be issued to A warrant for Robert S. Foreman, late a private of the thirteenth regiment of United l6£d¤g<§* 0i States’ infantry, a warrant for one hundred and sixty acres of land; at ,0 hm: ls"' which may be located as other warrants are, which have been issued in favor of soldiers of the late war. Approved, May 19, 1824. Sruurs I. "‘·—— Mw mv 182* Cnar. C)(IV.—An Jlct for the relief of the legal representatives of Fry and Qialding. Be it enacted, dm., That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is Claim to be hereby, authorized to settle the claim of the legal representatives of “m°‘l· John Fry and Samuel Spalding, under three certificates of the Georgia Mississippi Company, numbers one hundred and fifty-nine, three hundred and fifty-seven, and three hundred and fifty-eight; and also, for citizens’ rights to four thousand four hundred and ten acres of land in Proviso. the Georgia Company: Provided, That the legal representatives of the said Fry and Spalding, shall previously take and subscribe the oath, and make the transfer and relinquishment to the United States required by the several acts of Congress in such cases made and provided. Armzovnv, May 19, 1824. Srrrurs I. -—-——·—·— MBV 19. 1824- Can. CXV.-dn Act for the relief of Morris Goldsmith and Anthony Roderick. P Be it enacted, ¢§•c., That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is th;;m°¤¢ *0 hereby, authorised and directed to pay, unto Morris Goldsmith and ' Anthony Roderick, the sum of five hundred and six dollars and fifty