Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/463

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NINETEENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 73, 74, 75. 1827. 363 two clerks, for services performed under instructions from the Department of State, in pursuance of a resolution of the House of Representatives of the United States, passed on the twenty-sixth day of May, eighteen hundred and twenty-four, requesting the President to take measures for the safe keeping and security of the public archives in Florida; and to pay the same out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated: Provided, That the allowance to the said Ed- Proviso. ward R. Gibson and William H. Simmons, for such services, shall not exceed the sum specified in the instructions aforesaid, and that the allowance to their clerks shall not exceed the rate at present allowed by law for similar services. APPROVED, March 2, 1827. Srxrurs II. Gun. LXXHI. ——-An dot for the reliq of Jolm E. Dorsey, adminisiratw of M°*'°h 2· 1827- John Dorsey, deceased. °-_°`_"" Be it enacted, qc., That the agent of the treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized to cause satisfaction, on behalf of the United States, to S¤*l¤f¤°*l°¤ *° be entered on any judgments that have been recovered by the United 3§y°l:§r°n°3,?,’:, States against John E. Dorsey, administrator of John Dorsey, deceased, ugaiiistliim. for, or on account of the sum ol, three thousand dollars, advanced to said John Dorsey, by the United States, on the thirty-first of May, seventeen hundred and ninety-nine, upon a contract for anchors, to be delivered at the navy-yard at Gosport, for the whole of said judgments, except the costs thereon accrued; and the said John E. Dorsey shall be discharged from said judgments, except as to the costs aforesaid. A1=rnovEn, March 2, 1827. j. Sururs II. Can. LXXW.—An Jclfnr the relief of Thomas Ci PWthers. Much 2, 1827, Be it enacted, &e., That the proper accounting officers of the trea- """""`"` sury be, and they are hereby, authorized and directed to settle the claim Claim for hire of Thomas C. Withers, for the hire of his team of five horses, wagon, &¤·¤Y§¢¤m¤¤<l gear, and driver, into the service of the United States, in the year eigh. miggj °°b° teen hundred and twelve, and for the said wagon and gear, and four of the said horses, which were destroyed, lost, or consumed in said service, upon the principles of the act, entitled "An act to authorize the payment Act of April 9, for property lost, captured, or destroyed by the enemy, while in the 1816. ¤l¤·4°· military service of the United States, and for other purposes," approved April ninth, eighteen hundred and sixteen, in the same manner as if the claim had been presented within two years from the passage of said act; and to pay him for said services, and for the said property so destroyed, lost, or consumed, as aforesaid, so much as, including the amount paid him during said service, on account thereof, and also, the amount paid him under the law passed for his relief, eighth of May, one thousand A¢tofMay 8, eight hundred and twenty, he would have been entitled to receive under 1820. **-72- the provisions of the said act of April ninth, eighteen hundred and sixteen, aforesaid. And the sum thus fonmd due him, shall be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Approved, March 2, 1827. .. Scwrura II. CHAP. LXXV. -An Act for the bemjit of the heirs of Gregory Shaken, deceased. March 3, 1827. Be it enacted, dw., That the provisions of the several acts of Con- Amysiqting gress, relating to refugees from Canada and Nova Scotia, be, and the ¢é¤‘:fgS€¤;g°m same are hereby, extended to the heirs of Gregory Strahan, deceased; exlegdzh ,0 im, and that the amount of land, awarded by the officers directed in said hem, acts to settle and adjust like claims, shall be located in the territory of gg?. ¤g· Arkansas, upon such lands as have been surveyed, and are or may be ,803; gh: 35 unappropriated. 1804, eh. 23. Ammo, Mami s, 1s2v. ¤81<>· ¤¤ *2-