Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/48

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xlviii LIST OF THE PRIVATE ACTS OF CONGRESS. Pm Private Land Claims. An act for the rclief of the hcirs of W'i11iu.m Robertson, deceased, and N Dauic-il S. Leonard. Feb. E24, 1832 . . . . . . . . . . . 416 Horse lost. An act for the rclicf of John Sapp. Feb. 24, 1832 . 477 Horse Zcst. An act for tho rclief of Peter Peck. Feb. 24, 1832. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 477 Priwte Land Claims. An act. for the rclicf of Cornelius Overton. Feb. 24, 1832 . . . . . . . . . . . . 477 Claims. An act for the relief of Edward Lec. March 7, 1832 478 Property captured. An act for the relief of Ebcr Hubbard. March 7, 1832. . . . . . . . . . .. . 478 Properwi destroyed. An act for the relief of the legal representatives of Samuel WagstafI·Z 4 8 arch 7, 1832 . . .. I 7 Property desiroyed. An act for the rclief of Pcrciu. Tuppcr, cxccutrix of Samuel Tuppcr, dcccascd. March 7, 1832 . . .. . .. . . . .. . . . . . 478 Injuries to Property. An act for the rtzlicf of Jams Muir. March 7, 1832 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 478 Claims. An act for the relief of Edward Livingston. March 15, 1832 .. 478 Pension. An act For the relief of William Owens. March 15, 1832. . . . . . . . 479 Accounts. An act for the relief of Amariah Squirrel, administrator of Jacob Squirrel, deceased. M‘urch15, 1832... . .. .. 479 Private Land Claims. An act for the relief of Robert Jonas und William A. Fleming. March 479 15, 1832 . .. . .. . Accounts. An act for the relief of the legal representatives of Samuel Keep. March 15, 1832 480 Value %Sla£ec. $;2act for the relief of Anthony Foreman, John G. Ross, Cherokee delegation. 480 AIC 15, .. .. . . . . .. . Private Land Claims. An act for the relief of Bernard Marigny, of the State of Louisiana. Much 15, 1832 . ... 480 Private Land Claims. An act for the relief of William Williamson. March 15, 1832 .. . . . 481 Claims. An act For the relief of N athun Towson, pnymuster-gcncrzti of the army of the United Stutcs. March 15, 1832 ... . .. ». . . . . .. . . . 481 Claims. An act {br the rclicf of Richard S. Hnclrlcy. March 15, 1832 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 481 Duty and Penalty refunded. An act for the relief of J. P. and E. B. Penny. March 15, 1832 482 Private Lund Claims. An act For the relief of John McDonough. March 22, 1832 .. 482 Accounts. An act for tho relief of Sylvester Havens. March 22, 1832 .. . .. 482 Indemnity. An act for tho relicf uf' Lccnurd Denisun und Elisha Ely. March 22, 1832 .. 482 Cléimn. An act for the rolicf of Captain Thomas Paine. March 22, 1832 ... 483 Payment {or Improvements made an land acquired by Cherokee 7rcuty. An act for the relief of Jo m Rocgcr . March 31, 1832 . 483 Claims. An not For the m1icf of Robert Smart. M:1.rch 31, 1832 .. . . . . . 483 Horne lost. An act for the relief of John Mcnnry. March 31, 1832 . . . . 483 Private Land Claims. An not For the relief of Thomas Dennis, und the lcgul representative of Asn HnrtEcld. March 31, 1832 . . . .. . .. . . . . . 483 Duties remitted. An act for the rclicf of Benedict Joseph Flagct. March 31, 1832 .. 484 Account:. An act for the rciicf of the surcticn ofArnos Edwards. April 5, 1832 . . . 484 Lando for Schools, An act for the rcliefof Jcifcrson College, in the Stntc of Mississippi. Aipril 20, 1832 . ... . . . ... 484 ‘Privale fraud Clairm. An act confirming to Joshua Kennedy, his claim to zi tract of land in the city of Mobile. May 5, 1832 ... , ... . 4 85 Pdlmtfar a Plough extended. An act to extend the patent of Jethro Wood. May 19, 1832. . . 486 Claims. An act to rcvivc and continue in force "An act for the relief of the representatives of John Donclson, Stephen Iicurd, and others." May 19, 1832 . 456 Certificate of Loan. An act for tho relief of Richard G. Morris. May 19, 1832 . 486 Claims. An act For the relief of Joseph Bogy. May 19, 183:2 . . . . . . . . .. . .. 487 Claims. An act for the relief of the Miami Exporting Company. Muy 19, 1832 . 487