Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/527

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TWENTY—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess.I. Cu 110, 111, 112, 113, 114. 1830. 427 Sryrorn I. CHAP. CX.-An .0ct for the relig" of Mzney Moore. May 26, 1g3v_ Be it enacted, <§~c., That Nancy Moore, of the county of St. Charles, — state of Missouri, is hereby authorized to relinquish to the United States, authorized to the north-east quarter of section number thirty-six, in township forty- fgglnggsh gg; eight, in range seven, west, entered by mistake and patented to said ,0,,,,,,,,;,,,,,,,,, Nancy Moore, on the first day of October, in the year of our Lord one tract. thousand eight hundred and nineteen; and the said Nancy shall be, and hereby is, authorized to select any other quarter section of land containing one hundred and sixty acres, from any lands within the district of St. Louis aforesaid, which may be subject to entry at private sale; for which quarter section, when entered, a patent shall issue as in other cases. Approved, May 26, 1830. ——-——-—— Snrrmrs I. Cmp. CXl.—-An Act for the relief of Payson Perrin. Mw 26, 1am_ Be it enacted, dw., That the Collector of the Customs for the district of Boston and Charlestown, be authorized to issue certificates of deben- Certificates of ture to Payson Perrin, for the amount of drawback of duties on one !l°l>°’&'¤*°*°l>° hundred and five bales and thirty half bales of Bengal cotton, shipped l"" ‘ on board the ship Tartar, of which the said Payson Perrin was master, at Boston, in September, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, for Havre, in France; which shipment was entered at the custom—house for exportation, but the oath required by law was not taken, nor the bond given within the time prescribed by law: Provided, That said Payson Proviso. Perrin shall, in all other respects, comply with the law, to entitle him to the said debenture. APPROVED, May 26, 1830.

Snrmm I.

Cru?. CXII.-An Act for the relief of Moumjoy Bayly, May 26, ]33()_ Be it enacted, rye., That the Secretary of War be directed to pay to Mountjoy Bayly, his commutation of five years’ full pay as a Ga tain in C°¤*m¤*¤*l°¤ the Maryland line, in the war of the revolution: Provided, Ile shall ::,$:¥,,”°° satisfy the said Secretary that he was entitled to said commutation, and Proviso. never received it from the United States. Approved, May 26, 1830. _... Srnurs I. Crisp. CXIIL-An Act for the relief of Lucy M Lslpsezomb. May 26, 1830. Be it enacted, qc., That the sum of one hundred dollars, out of any money in the treasury, not otherwise appropriated, be, and the same is Payment ¢¤ hereby, appropriated, to the payment of that sum to Lucy M. Lipscomb, 1*:;* g:;?";;?' of Missouri, for so much money, erroneously deposited by her a ent to zggggd, y the credit of the Treasurer of the United States; to be paid to the said Lucy, or to her order on demand. Arrraovr-nn, May 26, 1830. -—-—— Snrvrn I. Cnu. CX1V.-An Act for the relief of John Edgar, of Illinois. May 26, gg3e_ Be it enacted, rfc., That the proper accounting officer of the treasury department be, and he is hereby, authorized to pay to General John Entitled W b°· Edgar, heretofore an acting Captain in the Navy, during the revolution- £;E‘°,gf lgzgf ary war, the same sum, in gross, and the same pay during his life, which ,,h_g3_ ° i other captains have received, in virtue of the provisions of the act of Congress, entitled "An act for the relief of certain surviving officers and soldiers of the army of the revolution," approved fifteenth May, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight. Approved, May 26, 1830.