Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/593

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TWENTY-SECON D CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 117, 118, 119, 120. 1832. 493 of said place; and, instead thereof, to enter the south-east quarter of section number thirty-tive, in the same township and range, which was heretofore relinquished by them through mistake; and they shall be credited, in the payment of said last named quarter section, the amount which has been by them paid on the said first named quarter section: Provided, The said quarter of section number thirty-five shall remain Provisiounsold till they apply for the same; and, if sold, they shall receive a certificate for the amount paid on said first named quarter, which shall be received in payment for any land of the United States hereafter sold. Approved, May 31, 1832. "—‘·— S·rn·ru·r·¤ I. Cnu. CXVII.—An Act for the relief of William R. Pic/cell. May 31, 1339, Be it enacted, <§~c., That the Register and Receiver of the Land Ofl fice at St. Stephens in Alabama, be, and they are hereby, authorized Certificate of to issue to William R. Pickett a duplicate of a certificate of forfeited land S°’iP *0 b° land scrip, number six thousand five hundred and thirty-nine, for the Issued' north-west quarter of section thirty-three, township eleven, range three, west, for the sum of seventy-nine dollars and sixty-five cents, dated the twelfth of October, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-nine, which certificate was originally issued to the representative of George Buckhannan, and by him, for a valuable consideration, assigned to William R. Pickett, and which has been lost or destroyed; and the said duplicate shall have all the effect, and be receivable at the land offices in the same manner, as the original certificate of scrip. APPROVED, May 31, 1832. .. Surucrz I. Can-. CXVIII.-./2n Aoi fm- lhe relief of Thomas and James Massinglll. May 31, 1832. Bc it enacted, &e., That the Register and Receiver of the Land Office at Little Rock, in the Arkansas Territory, be, and they are here- Claim to be by, authorized to reconsider, hear, and determine the claim of Thomas {,;j,°¤¤·d°"d· and James Massingill, assignees of Thomas Morrow, for a donation of ' three hundred and twenty acres of land, under and by virtue of the act Act or May 8, of Congress, approved the twenty-fourth [eighth] May, one thousand eight i830» <>h· 90· hundred and thirty; upon such proof as has, or may hereafter be adduced to them in support of the claim, dispensing with the aflidavit of the said Thomas Morrow, the original claimant; and if, in their opinion, the said Thomas and James Massingiil shall establish the right of the said Thomas Morrow, to a donation under the before mentioned act, of three hundred and twenty acres of land, by other testimony than the aflidavit of the said Morrow, the Register and Receiver shall award to the said Massingill, their heirs or assigns, the right to enter the said three hundred and twenty acres of land, according to the provisions of the act aforesaid. Approved, May 31, 1332. M. Srnurz I. CHAP. CXIX.-—-in Act for lhe relief of Captain John Burnham. May 31, i832. Be it enacted, <§~c., That the sum of two hundred and sixty-seven dollars and fifty-seven cents be allowed and paid to Captain John Burn- hfayment to ham, or his legal representatives, out of any money in the treasury not ““· otherwise appropriated. Ar1>novrm, May 31, 1832. -—---— Sururm I. CHAP. CXX. —An Act for the relief of Robert Kzinc, of Bufalo, in the slate of May Bl, 1832. New York. Claim for Be it enacted, <§~c., That the Third Auditor of the. Treasury be, and boardg to be he is hereby, authorized and directed to settle, uponzygst and equitable ¤¢¤i¤<l·