Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/600

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500 TWENTY·SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 149. 1832. Arpens. Toises. Feet. Land claims 47. Martial St. Germain ---- 00 17 5 °°“E““°d• 48. Widow Stopinal ----- 2 13 4 On opposite side ----- 1 29 3; 49. Juan Medina ------ 00 14 5 On opposite side ----— 00 13 5g 50. Martial St. Germain ----- 2 22 3 On opposite side - — s - - 2 24 4 51. Francisco Sanchez ----- 1 12 2g 52. Debouchelle and Chalaire, brothers, - - 5 01 5 On opposite side ----— 6 11 2; 53. Francisco Gutierres ----- 00 10 3} 54. Antonio Serpas ---—- 00 21 3} 55. Louis Cure ---—-- 01 01 2 56. Pierre Jorda ----— - 18 15 5 On opposite side —---- 18 15 5 57. Bienvenu, brothers - —--- 00 2 2,} On opposite side ----- 00 1 00 58. Juan Solis —----- 00 15 1 On opposite side - - · - - 00 I6 12 ‘ 59. Joseph Serpas - ---· - 00 18 0% H On opposite side - - - - — 00 18 2,} ·g_ 60. Succession of Joseph de Armas - - 00 7 51 Hg 61. Succession of Antonio Nieves — - - 00 7 5; $3 ° 62. Joseph Nieves --~—- - 00 I5 5 6 ; 63. Juan Perez -—-- - - 00 29 44 Q g 64. Bienvenu, brothers --—-- 00 28 1} "° " 65. Roman Catholic Church land - - - 01 18 lg g 66. Bienvenu, brothers ----- 18 21 4 g__ 3 67. Gabriel N. Allard — - . - - 17 26 00 $“ g_ 68. Jacques Toutant ----- 22 06 4 ;:. On the other side ---- 22 07 1 ° 69. P. Reaud and Olivier, brothers - - - 3 21 5} On the opposite side —--- 3 21 2}, 70. Felix Marrero - ----- 4 11 4,} On opposite side ----- 4 11 4 ,1 71. Succession of Bisente Marero - - - 3 14 5} Opposite side ----- 3 14 5} 72. Charles Fagot ------ 00 21 2}; On opposite side ----- 00 21 2% 73. Martin Robin ------ 00 21 2 Opposite side — - ·· · - 00 21 2i 74. P. Reaud and Olivier, brothers - - - 22 22 21 Opposite side -—-- ·· 22 21 3 75. Madam Olivier ---·- 17 06 5 Opposite side -—·—- 17 07 41 76. An ustin Reggie ·---- 17 05 00 Opposite si e - - - - · 17 05 00 77. Bartole de Armos ----- 2 17 04 Opposite side ----- 2 17 04 78. Succession of Antonio Meneses - - - 1 23 05 Opposite side ----- 1 23 05 79. Succession of Edwd. Alpuente - - - 00 07 00 Opposite side ----· 00 06 51 80. Catalina Alfonso ----- 00 07 00 Opposite side ----- 00 06 5} 81. Succession of Edwd. Alpuente - - - 2 00 0‘ Opposite side ----- 1 29 23 82, Bartole Molaro -···— 3 04 lf