Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/670

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570 TWENTY·THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. Y. Ch. BS, S9, 90, 93. 1834. Swnrucua I. JUN 26, 1834- CHAP. LXXXVHI.—-An Jai to amend an act passed an the lyvcnfy·n·im!lz. of May, ""—’-""` eighteen hundred and thirty, entitled “An act for the relzgf of sundry owners qf vessels sun/c far liu defence of Baltimurc." Bc it enacted, #0., That to enable the Third Auditor of the Trqasury Third Auditor to make a decision in the cases, or any part of them, referred to m the ig :?k;rf“':;‘:; act entitled "Au act for the relief of sundry owner; of lvessels sunk a[E£‘]imy{0 for the defence of Baltimcre,".passed May twenty-nme eighteen hurenezcle claims. dred and thirty, he bc, and he as hereby, empowered to mkc guch msu- 1Q;$°f};“;f’429* mony in addition to phc testimony qlrcady {akcn by the claimants, or ’ C` any of them, or that has been otherwise obtained, as he shal} deem Fo bc important to a just decision of the matters comided to him by said act. Armovmn, June 26, 1334. Section I. -·····‘ June 27, 1834. Cm?. LXXXIX.—dn Act for the rcliqf of the Zaire: uz law of Richard Living- ”""_"* stun, rz Canadian refugee, ecease . Provisicng of Be in enacted, (Sm., That the provisions of the several acts of Cou- °°{.’ f°’ "‘:.h°f°f gross in relation to refugees from Canada and Nova Scotm, bq, hand the Eazgggi (xm same are hereby, extended to ·the heirs qt law of Rxchnrd Livingston, tended g¤_heir¤ deceased, a lieutenant-colonel m the regiment commanded by Colonel

    • 25* L“'“’g' James Livingston; and that the quantxty of 1zmQ which may be awarded

B1-@8, 6h_ gg_ by the officers of Government, designated m szud several acts to .scttlc 1801, ch. 5. and adjust similar claims, shall be located upon such lands bclonging to {gg? 22* the United States, which have been offcred ut. public sale, and subject 1810; ch: 12: to entry at private sale. Ammovmn, J unc 27, 1834. Sururz I. ······ Juno 27, 1834. Cum-. XC.-—.»1n Act for the ¢·` the {legal represcntatives of Christian Ish, ’"""""‘ ecease . Be it enacted, &·c., That the Secretary of the Treasury bc, zlmd hc Payment of a is hereby, authorized and directed to pay tg the legal represcnmt1vcs·of g3;‘““ °"“H` Christian Ish, deceased, out of any money m the treasury not otherwise ` appropriated, one hundred and forty-seven dollars and ten mnetxcths, together with such interest thereon as if :1 certificate for that amount 1790, ch. 34. had been funded under the act of August {bmj, one thousand seven hundred and ninety, in full satisfaction of u. certain ccqxficatcl issued by George Ross, deputy qunrtarmastcr-general, to the said Christian Ish, on the twenty-ninth day of February, seventeen hundred uml cnghty. Avmovmn, Junc 27, 1834. Sn uruuc I. —--— June 27. 1834. Gun. XCIH. ——-dn dot for the reliqf ¢y" Baptiste Jeamorme and Joseph Pierre Petra. Bc it enacted, <§·c., That the Sccrctury of the Treasury be, and he is Garmin puy- hereby, authorized to pay to Baptiste Jcansormc and Joseph Pierre

g‘;;‘;b’§é;' Petrc the sum of nineLy·two dollars and fifty cents, out of any money

u °in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, being the amount of purchase money paid by said Jczmsonnc and Petrc for fractional section, number fifty-four, in township five, south of range number three cqst, situate in the Opelousas land district, in the state of Louisiana; which said seventy-four acres of land, ns it appears, originally belonged to, and were included within the limits of the surveys of said Jcansonne and Pctrc, who are the legal representatives of Petra Forest, Antoine Dupie, and Scholuste Roy. Approved, June 27, 1834.