Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/688

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588 TWENTY4THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch.208,209,210,211. 1834. lieu of all other charges and expenses of clerk hire, stationery, and office rent, and his expenses and compensation during the time he was in Lima, in consequence of the prote t of his bills on the Secretary of the Navy, and on his return to the United States. Appropriation. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the balance found due to said Armstrong upon the re-adjustment of his account upon the principles herein directed, be pgid to him out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriate . Aprnovan, June 30, 1834. Snrmrs I. ‘ ______, June 30. 1834. CHAP. CCVHI.-—-dn Act for the relief of the administrator of Bolitha Laws, ""'""‘ deceased. Be it enacted, Qc., That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is Payment for hereby, authorized and directed to pay to the legal representatives of

{°g;g*,*;;Yl;*k Bolitha Laws, deceased, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise

Comfort and appropriated, the sum of eight thousand and fifty-four dollars siilctylpents, the Rip Rape. bein the amount claimed by said Laws’ representatives fromt e nited Statgs for masonry work performed at Old Point Comfort, and the Rip Reps, under a contract entered into between said Laws and the agent of the United States, in the year one thousand eight hundred and nineteen. Approved, June 30, 1834. Snrure I. ——--- June 30, !834. Cru?. CCIX.—An Act for the relief of John Bruce. Be it enacted, rfc., That the Secretary of the Treasury pay, out of P¤y_m¤nt for any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to John Bruce, gggsm d““" six thousand two hundred and forty dollars and sixty-three cents, on ' the report of General Charles Gratiot, for damages actually sustained by the said John Bruce, by the suspension of his contract to clear out the ghio ang illiississippi rivers, in payment made to his workmen, for their ire, an or dama es, and For boardin them when out of employ, and for damages he sushained by the negleci on the part of the United States {.10 furpish a sufficient number of superintendents to inspect the work to ave een done. Approved, June 30, 1834. Srsrvrs I. -——- ]¤¤¤ 3*% 1834- CHAP. COX.-An Act or the relic o the Ie al r esentatives 0 John M _-`_— f Gfcghry. g cp,. f Be it enacted, &e., That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hiigvcn years’ hereby, authorised and directed to pay, out of any money in the trealigutggni at guy not otnerylvise zppprppriéted, to thelgegal reprpsentatives of glohn M. 10wcdm,,m_ regory, so e err o o in re or , w o was a reutenant in the army of the revolution, and slain ingthxe service, the seven years’ half' pay allowed to the widows or orphan children of such officers as should die in the service, by a resolve of Congress, passed August twenty-four, seiinteen hunplred grad eighty. rrnovsn, une , 1834. Snrvu I. —···— Juno 30, 1834. Cmnt-. CCXI.—J2n Act or the relic 0 the heirs and lc al re csenialioes o John """““`“`“` "' f Tagloi-i, deceased. g PT f ` Be it enacted, rye., That the proper accounting officers of the trea- Five yam-s· sury be, and they are hereby, authorized and directed to pay, out of {E\£&¤1L¤:`¤l any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to the heirs and low,,,,",,:',,;" legal representatives of John Taylor, deceased, five years’ full pay as a lieutenant of infantry in the revolutionary war, which five years’ full pay is the commutation of half pay for life. Approved, June 30, 1834.