Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/747

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TVVENTYYFOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 160, 161, 162, 163. 1836. 647 STATUTB I. Crux-. CLX.—-—./2n Act or the relie o Robert llhfimse , survivt artner o theyirm of Jrillchén and ZllcArmeyly ng P f Be it enacted, <§·c., That the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized to pay, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appro- Drawback on priated, to Robert McJimsey, surviving partner of the firm of Jackson Sugar 3U0W6d- and McJimsey, of New York, the amount which may be found due the said firm for the drawback upon one hundred and fifty boxes of sugar exported at New York in the month of July, one thousand eight hundred and thirty, in the ship Elizabeth Frith, for Leghorn. Approved, June 28, 1836. —;-— Sruvra I. Cntr. CLXI.-adn Act for the relief of John Frasier and Company, of Charles- June 28, 1836. ton, South Carolina. im Be it enacted, nyc., That the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized and directed to pay, out of any money in the treasury not other- Amount .,;,,,3- wise appropriated, to John Frasier and Company, of Charleston, South ditional duty to Carolina, the additional duty imposed by the act of the third March, b;’,p;’1;i,‘,‘Q,,‘£_;';,‘· eighteen hundred and thirty-three, on twenty bales of plains, ordered 3, :833, ch_55_ under the act of fourteenth July, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, by Actofluly 14, David Lamb, of Liverpool, and imported in the ship Lady Rowena, at 1832* ch' 22*/’ the port of Charleston, in the month of August last: Prooir/ed', That proviso_ satisfactory proof shall be furnished to the Secretary of the Treasury, that the said plains were ordered previous to the passage of the act of the third of March, eighteen hundred and thirty-three, and that said duties have not been returned in debentures on the exportation of said merchandise. Approved, June 28, 1836. ""— Srnura I. CHAP. CLXH. —./Zn Act for the relief of John E Lewis. yum 287 1g3S_ Be it enacted, dec., That the Secretary of the Treasury refund to John ”`_‘°”_“ F. Lewis, a sum equal to the increase of duty imposed by the act of the Amount crm_ nineteenth of May, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight, e11- creased duty to, titled "An act in alteration of the several acts imposing duties on im- bXP”‘d ‘° h"“· , . . . . . . ct of May 19, ports, ’ on a quantity of matting imported from China, invoiced at two 1828, ch_55_ thousand two hundred and ten dollars, and entered at the custom-house in Philadelphia, on the first of December, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight: Provided, That the Secretary of the Treasury shall proviso_ not make the payment above directed until he shall have satisfactory proof that the duties have been actually paid, and have not been returned in debentures; that the order for the purchase of the said matting was given previously to the first of December, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-seven; and that the said John F. Lewis had it not in his power to countermand the said order after the passage of the said act of the nineteenth of May, one thousand eight hundred and twenty- eight: And prooidedfurther, That satisfactory evidence be furnished proviso. to the Secretary of the Treasury, by the oath of the merchant, or otherwise, that the said John F. Lewis did not realize the ordinary profit on the said importation. Approved, June 28, 1836. ——— Snrurn I. CHAP. CLXIII. —An det for the relief of Abraham Forbes, a spy in the late war. June 28, 1836. Be it enacted, rye., That Abraham Forbes be, and is hereby, allowed to enter three hundred and twenty acres of land, on any of thelpublic May enter a lands subject to entry at private sale, for services rendered by him RS 8. mm °{ 1*“‘d· Canadian volunteer. Approved, June 28, 1836.