Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/788

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688 TWENTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch.26. 1837. Obedience Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That each of the said tire compam¤Y be €¤f°Y°¤d nies shall have power to enforce obedience to its constitution and by- by H"' &°' laws by fine and forfeiture; and to collect all such fines by warrant, to be issued by a justice of the peace in the city where such company belong, in the name of the said company; and the certificate of the president of such company, that the person so fined has been fined for disobedience to the constitution or by-laws (as the case may be) of fire company in ——- city, attested by the secretary of the said company, shall be sufficient evidence for the magistrate to issue his warrant, and, after having the party before him, to enter up judgment, and issue exepmvim cution thereon: Provided, Proof of such fine shall be made by the record thereof produced before the justice, and proved by the secretary; and, if either of the said companies shall expel any member thereof, he, the said member so expelled, shall thereupon forfeit all the rights, privileges, and immunities, granted by this act; and it shall be the duty of the secretary of the company from which the said member shall be so expelled, immediately to inform the captain of the militia company within whose limits the said member shall reside, that he has been so expelled; and the said expelled member shall thereupon be enrolled in the said militia company, and compelled to perform military duty, if otherwise liable to do military duty. Money col- Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That all and every sum and sums l¤¢¤¤d· of money collected under the authority of this act, shall be paid over by the officer or other person collecting the same, to the treasurer of the company, in the name of which the warrant shall have been issued, or money collected; and upon such officer or other person failing so to pay over the same, the said treasurer may recover the same by warrant or suit, in his own name, for the use of the said fire company, in the Shall provide same manner as private debts are now recovered by law. And each and funds fw the every of the said fire companies now existing, or which may hereafter ‘;g;f,;£;°'l“‘" be formed, as aforesaid, shall, each for itself, provide a fund for the re- ' lief of such member or members of such company, who shall or may receive any corporeal hurt or injury, or contract any disease at, or in consequence of; any fire, and be unable to provide medical aid, or whose family or families may be dependent upon his or their daily labor for support, and for the relief of the family or families of any member or members of such fire company, who shall or may be killed at, or die in consequence of, any injury received, or disease contracted at, or in consequence of, any fire, and whose family or families may have been dependent upon his or their daily labor for support; and the treasurer of the said company shall, after having paid all the expenses which the said company shall have lawfully incurred, pay over to the said fund the residue of all fines collected under the authority of this act. _This act not to Sac, 5. And be it further enacted, That nothing in this act shall be

‘,::"£;',*':t';¥*:h° construed to interfere with the right of the corporate authorities of the

,,,,,.,,0,m ,,u_ several cities aforesaid " to provide for the prevention and extinguishthoriries, &.e. ment of fires ;" and it is hereby declared to be the true intent and meaning of the several acts of incorporation of the several cities aforesaid, to give to the corporate authorities thereof full power and lawful authority to make all necessary provisions for the prevention and extinguishment of fires; for the preservation of order and protection of property at any fire; for the removal from any fire of suspicious persons, and those who are disobedient to the regulations of the said several corporations; for the punishment, by fine and imprisonment, of such person or persons as, being present at, refuse to assist, and obey the commands of the proper officer, in extinguishing any fire; for the removal of such property as may be necessary to be removed; to prevent and arrest the progress of any fires; and to aid, protect, and obtain obedience to the