Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/80

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lxxx LIST OF THE PRIVATE ACTS OF CONGRESS. Pm Pensianl An act for the relief of Frederick Richmond. March 3, 1839 . . . . . . . . . . . . 766 Privatg Claims. An act‘for the relief of the heirs of W'illiam'G:rah:r1n, l 1\l]?,mh 766 Private iiand Claims. An act for the relief of Philip Catner. March 3, 1839 . . . . 766 Claimc. An act for the relief of Francis Mallaby. March 3, 1839 . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 767 Private Land Claims. An act {br the rclicf of Peter Samuel Jaccard. March 3, 1839 767 Palcntfar a Machine. An act for the relief of John Blanc. March 3, 1839. . . . . . . . . . . . . 767 Private Land Claims. An act for the rcligf of Paul Poissot. March 3, 1839 . . . . . . . . 767 Accounts. An act for the relief of Return B. Brown. March 3, 1839 . . . . . .. 768 '°"’“""Z§—"§Z{; ”§’.f¥T"'$l’lZ{.K €"i€’§€"TT‘. . f?'}.??? TAT Tl? Tf’{‘f°f.‘Y’i {I???`?`? .F‘ff‘.‘?: IW? .'€‘T’Y was Private Land Claims. An act to confirm the claim of Charles Mdrgan, in right of Simon Porchc, to a tract of land. Match 3, 1839 . . . . . . . . . . . . 768 Private Ladd Claims. An act for the relief of Zcbulun Sheets. March 3, 1839 .. . . . . 768 Duplicate Land Warrant. An nct for the relief of John und Samuel Rowe, heirs and legal representatives of Ludwick Rowe, deceased. March 3, 1819 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 769 Duplicate Land Warrant. An act for the relief of James Cooper. March 3, 1839. . . . . . . 769 Prize 3i1g3E0E for the relief of the representatives of Henry Richardson, deceased. 769 Private Land Claims. An act for the relief of Milluy Yates. March 3, 1839 ,... 769 Pension. An act For the relief of Isaac Conly. March 3, 1839 . .. . ... 769 Rclcas¢3_f§g1;9a Judgment. An act for the relief of Daniel Ward and George Fieklin. March 770 Claims. An act for the relief of Richard Hcndlcy. March 3, 1839 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 770 Release from a Judgment: An act for the relief of Abel A. Pasko and others. March 3, 1839 770 Accounts. An uct. for the relief of John Brown and Company. March 3, 1839 ... . . 770 Private Land Claims. An act for the relief of Enoch Matson. March 3, 1839 . . . . . . . . . . 770 Indemnity. An uct. for tho rclicf of John L. Allen. March 3, 1839 . ... 770 Repayment of a Forfuiturc. An act for the rclicif of William Groznr. March 3, 1839 . . . . . . . . 771 Darien refunded. An act for the relief of James Sclby. March 3, 1839 771 Claims. An act for the relief of Winslow Lcwis. March 3, 1839 . . . .. . . . . . . . . 771 Propcrcy lust. An not for the relief of Benjamin Hewitt. March 3, 1839 ... 771 Claims. An act for the rclicf of Benjamin Hewitt. March 3, 1839 . . .. . . . . 772 Military Sefviccs. An act For the relief of Spencer C. Gist. March 3, 1839. . . . . .. . . . . . . 772 Bounty Land Warrant. An act for the relief of the widow and other heirs ut law of Alexander Hamilton, dcccuscd. March 3, 1839 . 772 Pribatau An wt for the rcliof of the legal representatives of Daniel Warner. 772 Pdvatclglsagid Oluimv. An act for the relief of the heirs of Francis Jarvis, deceased. March 3, 773 Palcnl jclozrtlpgzcgigrégfvr maintaining Power. An uct. for the relief of Stephen P. W. Douglass. 773 Repayment of u Fcrfoiture. An not for the relief of Isaac Lilley. March 3, 1839 . . . . . . . 773 Private Land Claims. An act to_u.uthorizc the trustccs of the township of Oxford, in the county of Butler and Stam of Ohio, to cntcr a. section of land in lieu of section sixteen, in said township, for the use bf schools. March 3, 1839 .. . 773 Pension. An act {br the rclicf of Solomon Prewett. March 3, 1839 ... 774 Pension. An uci granting n. pension to William Ford, of the Stats of Virginia. March 3, 1839 774 Pension} An_ actngranting a pension to Frzmccs Jones, widow of John Jones, of the State of n-gimu. arch 3, 1839 . .. 774