Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/826

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726 TWENTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. ll. C1-1. 145, 146, 149, 151, 152. 1838. S·r.yrvr1·: II. J¤¤¤ 28, 1838- Cum-. CXLV.—An Act or the relie 0 J. J2. Flemina.


_Land patent to Be it enacted, dec., That the Commissioner of the General Land ¤•¤¤° W Nm- Office cause a patent to be issued to J. A. Fleming for the west half of the south-west quarter and the south·east quarter of the north-west quarter of section ten in township six range four east in the St. Stepherfs land district, in Alabama, according to duplicate receipts issued to him b the receiver of public mono s of said land district. Prnovmn, une , . A il 28 1838 P y S·r.u·u·rr: II. June 28, 1838. Cru?. CXLVI.--An Act for the relief of James Barrett. mgm of pw Be it enacted, qc., That ames Barrett be, and he is hereby, entiemption granted tled to a preference in becoming the purchaser, at private sale, of the t° mm' east half of the south-west uarter of section seven, the east half of q. . the south-east quarter of section six, and the east half of the northwest quarter of section eighteen, all in township eleven north, in range eleven east, within the limits of the Batesville district, in Arkansas, on the same terms and conditions as are provided by law for the other public lands in the said district at private sale; and on the presentation of the receiver of public moneys in said district for the purchase money thereof, to the Secretary of the Treasury, the said James Barrett shall be entitled to patents from the United States. Approved, June 28, 1838. STATUTE IL CHAP. CJ(LlX1-.01t Act directing the Commissioner of the General Land Office to ascertain the quantity of land covered by grants made to Anthony Shane and to -l“¤¤ 28, 1838- genie Ggdfroy, ig sectiop sixteen, township four south, range two east, in Lima """" istrict, rio, an: its va ue. Quanuty and Be it enacted, Qc., That the Commissioner of the General Land “l“° °*'H"‘¤'*° *° Office ascertain the quantity of land contained in section sixteen A. Shane and L. . . . . . . . ’ God;-,,,,,',,, be township iour south, range two east in Lima drstrict, Ohio, and ¤‘<=p<>rted to Con- the quantity covered by each grant made by the United States gm"' to Anthony Shane and to Louis Godfroy, in said section; and that he cause the land so granted to be appraised by two judi- ‘ cious and disinterested freeholders, under oath, without regard to the improvements made thereon; and that he make report of the proceedings here directed to Congress as soon as the same shall be had. Approved, June 28, 1838. __ S1·A·ru·r·r: II. J““° 221838* CHA?. CLI.-— An Act for the bandit of Charles Cqyin. T,, be ,,,,,,1,,ccd -Be it enacted, dm., That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, on pension roll. directed to place the name of Charles Coflin, of the state of Maine, upon the roll of invalid pensioners, as a pensioner, at the rate of one hundred and twenty dollars per annum; pension to commence from the first day of January, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven ; and to continue during his natural life. APPROVED, June 28, 1838. ___ S ’I`|. J-:n;;; 183,, Cnnr. CLIl.— Jln Act for the rgef of Simeon Smith of the state of New ampshtre. To b,, p;,,,,,,; Be it enacted, ¢§·c., That the Secretary of War be and he is hereby on pension roll. directed to place the name of Simeon Smith, of the State of New Hampshire, on the revolutionary pension roll, and to allow him a pension of twenty dollars per annum during life, and to commence on the fourth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-one. Approved, June 28, 1838.