Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/885

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TWENTY·FIFTII CONGRESS. Sess. III. C¤.201,202,203. 1839. 785 contract; to be paid for each foot of stone delivered, and the quantity of feet to be ascertained by the best evidence that can be produced; the person having deceased who was to have measured said pieces. APPROVED, March 3, 1839. Srsrurn III. CHA?. CCI.--dn Act for the relief of gitgcpresenmives of dm: Levacher De Van Much 3, 183% Be it enacted, eye., That the proper accounting officers of the Treasury be, and they are hereby, authorized and directed to settle the ac- Albyved seven count of Ann Levacher De Van Brun, and to allow her seven years’ ,’;f:'fie:;’;P“Z half pay, to which she is entitled on account of the services of her bus- an band, John Levacher De Van Brun, deceased, who was a lieutenant in the revolutionary war, in the Maryland continental line, and died before the close of the war; and that the sum found to be due be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to the representatives of Ann Levacher De Van Brun. Approved, March 3, 1839. S·n·ru·ra III. Crux-. CCII.-hn Act for the relief of Polly Lining, executriar of the last will March 3, 1839. and testament of Char es Lining, deceased, wha in his life-time, and at the time ""`_""" of hi; death, was executor of the last will and testament of Edward Blake, decease . Be it enacted, Qc., That no proceedings shall be had against Polly Lining, executrix of the last will and testament of Charles Lining, de- _Nc proceedceased, who in his life-time, and at the time of his death, was executor "‘g’ i°g"’ md of the last will and testament of Edward Blake, deceased, to enforce, :;,3; gg1cm' by execution or otherwise, a judgment recovered by the United States against her, in the district court of the United States, at Charleston, South Carolina, in July, eighteen hundred and thirty-five. Approved, March 3, 1889. Szrnun III. Cru?. CCIII.—An dot far the relief of th; heirs and assignees of Peter Alba, dc- March 3, 1839. cease . "'——‘—‘ Be it enacted, &·c., That the title of the heirs of Peter Alba, late of Pensacola, in the territory of Florida, deceased, or of such person or Land title persons as by assignment from said Peter Alba may have claims there- ¤¤¤6¤‘¤¤¤d· to, to fifteen lots of land in the suburbs of the town of Pensacola, in the territory of Florida, designated as follows, viz: numbers thirty, eighty- seven, three hundred and live, three hundred and twenty-one, three hundred and forty-two, three hundred and forty-three, three hundred and forty-four, three hundred and forty-five, three hundred and forty- six, three hundred and forty-seven, three hundred and twenty-seven, three hundred and thirty-five, three hundred and thirty-six, three hundred and thirty-seven, and three hundred and twenty-eight; all which were purchased by the said Peter Alba of the Spanish government, in the year eighteen hundred and seventeen, be, and the same are hereby, confirmed, respectively, to the heirs of the said Peter Alba, or to his assignee or assignees, to whom he may have conveyed the same, or any part of said lots, in his life·time, according to the right which the said heirs, or assignee or assignees, may have thereto under the said Peter Alba: Provided, That this confirmation shall only extend to the reliu- proviso, quishment of any title which the United States may have to said lots. ‘ Approved, March 3, 1839. 99 3 o 2