Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/983

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TWENT Y—SEVEN TH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 25,28,29, 35. 1843. 883 Thomas Emmerson, and the said John P. Skinner, and Isaac Green, sureties, on the ofhcial bond of the said Emmerson, late pension agent, for the sum of thirteen thousand six hundred and ninety dollars and ninety-one cents, it appearing that the amount due to the United States by said Emmerson might have been obtained from him without resorting to said sureties, if legal proceedings had been adopted again t him by the proper officers of the United States, and that said officers, though requested by said sureties to commence and prosecute such proceedings, neglected and refused so to do: Provided, That nothing in this act Pmyiem shall be construed to discharge the said Emmerson from liability under said judgment. Approved, February 4, 1843. °"·*‘-*· Swntucrn III. Cin?. XXV. —An dat for the relief of Burent Stryker. F9b_ 4, 1g4g_ Be it enacted, rye., That the Postmaster-General be, and he is hereby, authorized to pay to Barent Stryker, at and after the rate of four hun- Payment re; dred and ninety-five dollars a year, for carrying the mail on route num- °¤¤TYl¤€ dw ber nine hundred and twenty-three, in the state of New York, for the m°ll’ &°' time that said Barent Stryker has carried or may hereafter carry the mail on said route under his present contract; and that the Postmaster- General be further authorized to re-let the said route number nine hundred and twenty-three, at any time before the expiration of the contract of the said Barent Stryker. Ammovno, February 4, 1843. _*·· Srnucra III. Crm?. XXVIII. —-dn dctfor the reliefof Uasper W Wever. Feb 15, 1g4g_ Be it enacted, vga., That the Secretary of the Treasury cause to be _ paid to Casper . Wever, the sum of fifteen hundred dollars, out of s;£;§:,§::gnt;' any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, in full for his improvement claim for compensation for services rendered by him in superintending vf P¤¤¤¤YlV¤· the improvement of the Pennsylvania avenue, under the act of Congress "Xcf,K-$:;:19 of February, eighteen hundred and thirty-three. 1833, qh,32, ’ Approved, February 15, 1843. 1 Srnura III. CHAP, XXIX.——An det for the relief of the representatives of Alexander Macomb, Feb 15, 1843_ Robert Jennings, and the lzeirs and legal representatives of James Roddy, do- -——- ——— ceased, sureties of Samuel Champlin, late a paymuster in the army of the United States. Be it enacted, &c., That Robert Jennings, and the heirs and legal representatives of the late Alexander Macomb and James Roddy be, and Disebm-gpc they are hereby, discharged from their liabilities on a bond to the United from l*§b¤b'Yg¤ States, in which the said Alexander Macomb, James Roddy, and Robert a cmam °" ‘ Jennings, were sureties for Samuel Champlin, formerly a paymaster in the army of the United States, and from any judgment obtained by the United States on said bond, against all or any of the said sureties, or their representatives. Approved, February 15, 1843. —‘—"‘ Sruun III. CHAP. XXXV.—An det to authorize the enrolment or register of the brig Nueva Fgb_ rg, 1843, Granada. *"*;—* Be it enacted, dw., That the brig Nueva Granada, built at Mystic, Connecticut, and afterwards sold to a citizen of New Granada, but Brig Nueva since re-purchased by a citizen of the United States, and now his pro- g,’*;;”?s':e';':g’0r perty, lying at New York, may be registered or enrolled, the same as c,m,li,d_ if said brig had not been sold to a foreigner. Approved, February 18, 1843.