Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/991

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TWENTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. S1zss.III.Ch.113,114,115,116,117.1843. 891 be, and the same is hereby, released, as against said S. and M. Riche: Provided, That the balance of said judgment, if not already paid, shall Proviso. be paid within sixty days from the passage of this act. Approved, March 3, 1843. ···*—" Srnure III. CHAP. CXIII. -— An hcl for the relief of Samuel Lord. March 3, l843_ Be it enacted, &c., That Samuel Lord, of Charleston, South Caro- W [ina, be, and he is hereby, discharged from all further liability upon a conditionally judgment obtained and now outstanding against him as surety on a <li¤¤h¤tz9dff9m onstonphouse bond, given to the United States, by Howe and Fitch, in £‘gT?;,l’“nl;‘l;¥ eighteen hundred and eighteen, upon said Lord first paying, or securing J g e ' to be paid, to the United States the sum of one thousand dollars; and that the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to execute a release to said Lord, for said judgment, upon his paying, or securing to be paid, in a satisfactory manner, the sum of one thousand dollars. Approved, March 3, 1843. —-—-—— S·r.u·u·m: III. Cr-mp. CXIV. - dn not for the relief of Knott Marlin, 3d, and Arnold Martin, Much 3, 1843, owners of the fishing schooner Only Son, and others. —-·:·—·‘ Be it enacted, efrc., That the collector of the customs for the district of Marblehead, in the state of Massachusetts, is hereby authorized to Allowance toc pay to Knott Martin, 3d, and Arnold Martin, late owners of a fishing ?:£‘“€S°l‘°°“°‘ schooner lost at sea, called the Only Son, burden sixty-eight tons and R Bu' fifty-seven ninety-lifths, and to the legal representatives of the persons composing her late crew, such allowance, to be distributed according to law, as they would have been entitled to receive had the said schooner completed her fishing term, and returned into port. Aprnovno, March 3, 1843.

S·ra·rU’rs III.

C1-rar. CXV.-An Act for the relief of Jonathan Britton. Mm-cl, 3, lg.l3_ Be it enacted, ¢$·c., That the Secretary of War be directed to place the name of Jonathan Britton, of Otisiield, Cumberland county, and To hg Placed state of Maine, on the pension roll, and pay him a pension, at the rate <>¤ P¤¤¤\0¤ wilof eighty dollars per annum, from the fourth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-one, during his natural life. Approved, March 3, 1843. _. Srrururs III. CHAP. CXVI. —·An Act for the relief of Horace Wetherall. March 3, 1843. Be it enacted, &·c., That Horace Wetherall, an invalid pensioner, be paid, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, at Payment") the rate of eight dollars per month from the first day of August, in the him. year eighteen hundred and thirty-nine, to the thirtieth day of October, in the year eighteen hundred and forty. Aprnovnn, March 3, 1843. .. Srnuu III. CHAP. CXVII. -—An ./Qctfor the relief of Charles Waldrain. March 3, 1843. Be it enacted, drc., That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, required and directed to pay to Charles Waldron, or to his paymclll legal representatives, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise Fvrprrzpcrty d¢· appropriated, the sum of one thousan one hundred and seventy-nine s"°Y° ‘ dollars and sixty-one cents, it being for buildings and other property destroyed at Micanopy, Florida, in eighteen hundred and thirty-six, by order of the officer then in command at that post, and to prevent them from falling into possession of the enemy. Approved, March 3, 1843.