Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/993

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TWENTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch.124, IQ5, 126. 1843. 893 death, to be ascertained by the order announcing his death at the En- A credit to be ginger Department; and that the Secretary of the Treasury cause to be allowed him. paid to the legal representatives of William S. Eveleth, late of the corps “"d °"‘°F""d“° of engineers of the United States army, out of any money in the trea- to bg paid` sury- not otherwise appropriated, such sum of money as is due for his services and emoluments at the time of his death, to be ascertained as aforesaid. AI’1'llOVBD, March 3, 1843. Snrurs III. CHA?. CXX1V.—An Act for the relief of John Drysdale. March 3, jg4g_ Be it enacted, dm., That the Secretary of War cause John Drysdale __-TT to be paid agreeably to his rank as assistant adjutant-general of the To be paid for second brigade of Florida militia, ordered into the service of the United his sF*"’l°‘?S.l!‘ States by General Joseph Hernandez, in the year eighteen hundred and Florida mmm" thirty-five, on the principles adopted by him in paying the officers and non-commissioned officers of the second regiment of said brigade, under the act for their relief approved the third of March, eighteen hundred Act of March and thirty-nine, provided the time of service to be paid for shall not 3»1839·°h· 1°°· exceed five months and eleven days. Arvnovnn, March 3, 1843. """'_' Srnura III. Crm?. CXXV. —An dict for lhe relief of Richard Saeed. Mm-oh 3, 1843, Be it enacted, rye., That the Solicitor of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and required to suspend, for a reasonable time, the Collection ofa collection of a judgment against Richard Sneed, in the circuit court of .l¤dg¤*€‘¤*,Y¢*>°· the United States for the district of North Carolina, in favor of the j';;?0a§§l;§;_ United States, rendered at May term, one thousand eight hundred and pended. forty-two: Provided, That the said Richard Sneed shall execute and Proviso. deliver to the Solicitor of the Treasury a bond for one thousand two hundred and thirty-nine dollars and forty-four cents, with such security rs the said Solicitor shall approve: And provided, further, That the Proviso. said Richard Sneed shall use all proper despatch, under the directions of the Solicitor of the Treasury, to enforce the collection of certain refunding bonds taken by the said Richard Snecd and other executors of Stephen Sneed, deceased; as also of a certain decree had in the United States circuit court for the district of North Carolina, in favor of the United States, against Nathaniel M. Sneed and Albert Sneed, to be applied, when collected, to the credit of the judgment aforesaid: Provided, That there shall be no suspension of proceedings upon said Proviso. judgment, or any delay or indulgence given upon it, which would work the discharge, release, or forfeiture of any right of the United States; it being the only object of this act to give a reasonable time to the said Richard Sneed to subject to the payment of the said judgment all the estate of his testator, Stephen Sneed, deceased, which the original judgment against him bound, for the convenience and benefit of the said Richard Sneed, without prejudice to the United States. Approved, March 3, 1843. ···""‘ Srnura III. CHAP. CXXVI.—-An het for the relief of Joseph R. Chandler. lVIarch 3, 1843, Be it enacted, tire., That the clerk of the district court of the United States, in and for the eastern district of Pennsylvania, be required to To be credited credit the defendants in the judgment in favor of the United States ;*;'l?"‘;;’;‘l;‘na against William C. Graham, George H. Hart, Joseph R. Chandler, and ju,j,gm,,,,,_ John Connel, obtained before said court, with the following payments, to wit: 3 z 2