Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 1.djvu/1000

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79TH CONG. , 2D SESS.-CH. 943-AUG. 9 , 1946 of said Dock Street to the northeast corner of Dock, South American, and Moravian Streets; thence eastwardly to the northwest corner of Moravian and Second Streets; thence northwardly to the southwest corner of Second and Chestnut Streets; thence westwardly to the southeast corner of Sixth and Chestnut Streets, to the place of beginning; and calls attention to the fact that much of the area above described is run down, some properties are demolished, and others are in such dilapidated condition as to constitute a serious fire hazard of such proportions as to endanger Independence Hall, Carpenters' Hall, the Old Custom House, and the First Bank of the United States, as well as other landmarks and shrines of patriot- ism, and that such unsightly condition is not conducive to a proper respect and reverence for those American ideals which are sym- bolized by those shrines; and recommends that the Federal Govern- ment establish a national park in the above vicinity and also in the area bounded by Fifth Street on the east, Race Street on the north, Sixth Street on the west, and Chestnut Street on the south, which will assure at once a beautiful setting for those shrines and maxi- mum protection against fire or other disaster; and Whereas during these troubled times it is desirable to augment the defense effort of our Nation not only with arms but with proper emphasis on spiritual values; and Whereas an attractive and inspiring setting will create a stronger sense of reverence for American institutions, laws and orders, which had their beginnings, in large part, in this group of shrines in the formative years around 1776; and Whereas it is proper, fitting, and desirable that the United States of America should properly enshrine these jewels of democracy, so that all who visit these hallowed places from the far corners of this glo- rious democracy and the four corners of the world may be stirred with a feeling of patriotic reverence: Therefore Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That a commission is hereby created for the purpose of investigating the matter of the establishment in the city of Philadelphia in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, of a Federal area to be called Philadelphia National Shrines Park, or by some other appropriate name, to encompass within its area the buildings of historical significance in the old part of the city of Philadelphia, and to be operated and maintained by the National Park Service, for the purpose of conserving the historical objects and buildings in the said area and to provide for the enjoy- ment and appreciation thereof in such manner and by such means as will leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of future generations. SEc. 2. The Commission shall be known as the Philadelphia National Shrines Park Commission, and shall be composed of seven individuals, who shall serve without compensation, to be appointed as follows: One Member of the United States Senate, to be appointed by the President of the Senate; one Member of the United States House of Representatives, to be appointed by the Speaker of the House; one member to be appointed by the Secretary of the Interior, and four persons, one of whom shall be a resident of the city of Philadelphia, to be appointed by the President of the United States. Any vacancy in the Commission shall be filled in the same manner in which the original appointment was made. SEC. 3. The Commission shall meet for the purpose of organizing within thirty days after the enactment of this Act. Rooms shall be provided for the use of the Commission in the New Custom House at Philadelphia. The Commission shall elect a Chairman and executive secretary from among its members. Philadelphia Na. tional Shrines Park. Comm-ssion. Meeting for organ- iring. 60 STAT.]