Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 1.djvu/1018

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60 STAT.] 79TH CONG., 2D SESS.-CH. 951-AUG. 10, 1946 "(3) That part of the remuneration which, after remuneration equal to $3,000 with respect to employment has been paid to an individual during any calendar year after 1946, is paid to such individual during such calendar year ;". (b) The paragraphs of section 209 (a) of such Act heretofore designated "(3)", "(4)", "(5)", and "(6)" are redesignated "(4)", "(5)", "(6)", and "(7)", respectively. SEC. 415. TIME LIMITATION ON LUMP-SUM PAYMENTS UNDER 1935 LAW. No lump-sum payment shall be made under section 204 of the Social Security Act (as enacted in 1935), or under section 902 (g) of the Social Security Act Amendments of 1939, unless application therefor has been filed prior to the expiration of six months after the date of the enactment of this Act. SEC. 416 WITHDRAWAL OF EMPLOYEE CONTRIBUTIONS FOR DIS- ABILITY BENEFITS. (a) Paragraph (4) of subsection (a) of section 1603 of the Federal Unemployment Tax Act, as amended, is amended by striking out the semicolon at the end thereof and inserting in lieu thereof the following: ": Provided, That an amount equal to the amount of employee payments into the unemployment fund of a State may be used in the payment of cash benefits to individuals with respect to their disability, exclusive of expenses of administration;". (b) The last sentence of subsection (f) of section 1607 of the Federal Unemployment Tax Act, as amended, is amended by striking out the period at the end thereof and inserting in lieu thereof the following: ": Provided, That an amount equal to the amount of employee payments into the unemployment fund of a State may be used in the payment of cash benefits to individuals with respect to their disability, exclusive of expenses of administration." (c) Paragraph (5) of subsection (a) of section 303 of the Social Security Act, as amended, is amended by striking out the semicolon immediately before the word "and" at the end thereof and inserting in lieu of such semicolon the following: ": Provided, That an amount equal to the amount of employee payments into the unemployment fund of a State may be used in the payment of cash benefits to individuals with respect to their disability, exclusive of expenses of administration;". TITLE V-STATE GRANTS FOR OLD-AGE ASSIST- ANCE, AID TO DEPENDENT CHILDREN, AND AID TO THE BLIND SEC. 501. OLD-AGE ASSISTANCE. (a) Section 3 (a) of the Social Security Act, as amended, is amended to read as follows: "SEC. 3 . (a) From the sums appropriated therefor, the Secretary of the Treasury shall pay to each State which has an approved plan for old-age assistance, for each quarter, beginning with the quarter com- mencing October 1,1946, (1) an amount, which shall be used exclusively as old-age assistance, equal to the sum of the following proportions of the total amounts expended during such quarter as old-age assistance under the State plan with respect to each needy individual who at the time of such expenditure is sixty-five years of age or older and is not an inmate of a public institution, not counting so much of such 991 49 Stat. 624 . 42U.s. . 404. 53 Stat. 1400. 53 Stat. 185. 28U.S. c.§103(a) (4). 53 Stat. 187. 26U.S. C. §1607(). 49 Stat. 626 42 U.. C. . 503 (a) (5). 49 Stat. (21. 42U.S.C. 303(a).