Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 1.djvu/1122

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60 STAT.] 79TH CONG. , 2D SESS.-PLAN NO. 3-MAY 16, 1946 REORGANIZATION PLAN NO. 3 OF 1946 Prepared by the President and transmitted to the Senate and the House of Rep- resentatives in Congress assembled, May 16, 1946, pursuant to the provisions of the Reorganization Act of 1945, approved December 20, 1945. PART I. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY Section 101. Functionstransferredto the UnitedStates Coast Guard.- (a) There are hereby transferred to the Commandant of the Coast Guard those functions of the bureau, offices, and boards specified in the first sentence of section 104 of this plan, and of the Secretary of Commerce, which pertain to approval of plans for the construction, repair, and alteration of vessels; approval of materials, equipment, and appliances; classification of vessels; inspection of vessels and their equipment and appliances; issuance of certificates of inspection, and of permits indicating the approval of vessels for operations which may be hazardous to life or property; administration of load line require- ments; enforcement of other provisions for the safety of life and property on vessels; licensing and certificating of officers, pilots, and seamen; suspension and revocation of licenses and certificates; in- vestigation of marine casualties; enforcement of manning require- ments, citizenship requirements, and requirements for the mustering and drilling of crews; control of log books; shipment, discharge, pro- tection, and welfare of merchant seamen; enforcement of duties of shipowners and officers after accidents; promulgation and enforce- ment of rules for lights, signals, speed, steering, sailing, passing, anchorage, movement, and towlines of vessels and lights and signals on bridges; numbering of undocumented vessels; prescription and en- forcement of regulations for outfitting and operation of motorboats; licensing of motorboat operators; regulation of regattas and marine parades; all other functions of such bureau, offices and boards which are not specified in section 102 of this plan; and ali other functions of the Secretary of Commerce pertaining to those functions of the agencies abolished under section 104 of this plan which are not specified in sec- tion 102 of this plan, including the remission and mitigation of fines, penalties and forfeitures incurred under the laws governing these functions and those incurred under the Act of December 17, 1941, 55 Stat. 808, as amended. (b) The functions relating to the award of numbers to undocu- mented vessels vested by law in the Collectors of Customs are hereby transferred to the Commandant of the Coast Guard. Sec. 102. Functions transferred to Bureau of (ustoms. - There are hereby transferred to the Commissioner of Customs those functions of the bureau, offices, and boards specified in the first sentence of section 104 of this plan, and of the Secretary of Commerce, which pertain to registry, enrollment, and licensing of vessels, including the issuance of commissions to yachts, the assignment of signal letters, and the preparation of all reports and publications in connection therewith; measurement of vessels, administration of tonnage duties, and collec- tion of tolls; entry and clearance of vessels and aircraft, regulation of vessels in the coasting and fishing trades, and limitation of the use of foreign vessels in waters under the jurisdiction of the United States; Transmitted May 16, 1946. Effective July 16, 1946. 59 Stat. 613 . 6TU. .C., Supp.V, $i 133y-133y-16. 47 U. 8. 0., sump V. 353note. 1097