Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 1.djvu/1142

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INDEX Army-Continued. Embassies, etc., in foreign countries, enlisted men as custodians _- -_ _- - Engineer Service, appropriation for - _ _ Reduction in appropriations--- 13, 224, Enlisted men- Allowances while in hospital, etc.; restriction on accrual in certain cases -- .- - _------------..... Commutation in lieu of rations, desig- nated personnel .. --------- -- Enlisted Reserve Corps, transfers to -_ Retired list of Regular Army, place- ment on; pay---- ----------- . Computation of service, inclusion of active Federal service -____ Service requirements---------. -- -- - Family allowances, restriction on use of funds for audit work respecting _ _ Flight pay, limitation on payment__ - 20, "Flying officer", definition ----

General of the Army, permanent grade, designated appointments author- ized; pay, allowances, etc------- Hawaii, roads and bridges damaged by activities, appropriation for repair, etc., authorized ---------------- Page 450 552 625 858 858 996 996 996 996 565 543 543 59 948 Appropriation for -_ __-_ ___ ___ --_ _ 914 Household effects, transportation of, on change of station ---.----------- 545 Repeal of prior legislation respecting_ 860 Insane persons, certain, functions with respect to, transfer to War De- partment---------------------- 1098 Inspectors of buildings abroad, assign- ment of personnel as---------- 458, 1011 Insurance. See National Service Life Insurance Act of 1940. Land, acquisition of, reduction in ap- propriations-------------------- 224 Leave Act of 1946, Armed Forces. See separate title. Maternity and infant care, emergency, wives and infants of enlisted men, appropriation for---------------- 681 Medals and decorations, designated, extension of time for recommenda- tion and award in certain cases __- 309 Medical and Hospital Department, ap- propriation for------------------ 551 Reduction in appropriations--- 13, 224, 625 Medical Department, dietetic and phys- ical-therapy personnel, certain, payment for accumulated and ac- crued annual leave-------------- 526 Money allowance in lieu of transporta- tion, designated personnel ----- __ _ 860 Mount, no additional pay to officer nwnin _-- --- ---- --- --- --- --

54 Army-Continued. National Guard. See separate title. Nurse Corps, dependents, payment of transportation costs on commuted ho^O in -nt.rin n.... XV Page .- --- ------ ---

- - Vas11tal ath i;f-:----- -- -- - - - - Occupied areas, funds for administration of --------- --

562 Ordnance Service and Supplies, appro- priation for--------------------- 553 Reduction in appropriations ----- _ 13, 224 Organized Reserves. See separate title. Pay and allowances, readjustment --- 343 Per diem rates of allowance -----_- 81, 545 Philippine Insurrection Veterans. See separate title. Philippine war damage claims, inclusion of designated persons as "qualified persons"----_ ---- ----- ----- ---- 129 Philippines, Republic of the, detail of officers and men to-------------- 315 Property, supplies, etc., interchange be- tween Army, Navy, and Coast Guard without compensation, au- thorized ---------------------- 883 Prostitution, prohibition of, near mili- tary establishments, provisions made permanent ------------- 182 Public lands, designated, veterans' pref- erence in entry----------------- 37 Publications, restriction on pay of Army personnel connected with certain_ 544 Quartermaster Service, appropriation for-----------

----- ----- -

-- 546 Reduction in appropriations --- 13, 224, 625 Remains of certain persons buried out- side United States, evacuation and return; appropriation authorized-- 183 Appropriation for----------------- 268 Rental allowances, occupancy of Gov- ernment facilities under Military Establishment----------------- 565 Reserve officers on active duty, funds available for pay and allowances-- 562 Reserves, benefits of Employees' Com- pensation Act, definition of "in time of peace" --------------------- 893 Retired officers- Employment by Veterans' Adminis- tration authorized; duration of authority .-------------- 978 Sale of supplies to Army or War Department, restriction-------- 543 Retired pay, enlisted men ----------- 996 San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, use free of tolls in certain cases - - 347 Selective Service personnel, travel of; payment of expenses ------------- 614 Selective Training and Service Act of 1940. See separate title. K