Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 1.djvu/1149

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INDEX Budget, Bureau of the-Continued. Pag4 National-defense activities, appropria- tion for fiscal year 1946, extension of availability --------------- ___ 1 Pay costs, increased, appropriation for-- 101 Penalty mail, appropriation for ------ 61 Personnel ceilings- Authority of Director respecting- _ - 29i Government departments and agen- cies, determination ------. - _ 219, 22C Price Administration, Office of, revision of appropriation estimate; publica- tion in Federal Register-------- __ 609 Printing and binding, appropriation for----------.-----------. _ _ 61, 185 Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1946, au- thority with respect to effectuating provisions of-------------------- 1102 Selective Service System, revision of appropriation estimate; publication in Federal Register-------------- 614 Temporary agencies, liquidation, trans- fer of funds for ------ -------- . 13 Transfer of designated appropriations, Military Establishment---------- 14 Buffalo Bill Dam and Reservoir, designa- tion of Shoshone Dam and Reser- voir as ------------------------- _ 54 Buffalo Creek and Tributaries, examina- tion and survey; stabilization of stream banks, etc -------------- 652, 653 Bull Shoals Reservoir, Ark., school facil- ities for dependents of persons en- gaged on construction, provision authorized----------------------- 643 Bullocks Point Cove, R. I., examination and survey authorized --- _--------- 638 Burgin, William Olin, payment to widow of, appropriation for -------------- 184 Burkesville, Ky., bridge authorized across Cumberland River at or near------- 893 Burley Tobacco. See Tobacco. Burlington Farmstead and Coal-Mine Project, N. Dak., transfer to State-- 306 Bush, Vannevar, (Dr.), reappointment to Board of Regents of Smithsonian In- stitution------------------------ 160 Butter, Process or Renovated: Appropriation for carrying out provi- sions of designated Acts --------- 279 Regulations respecting; condemnation of unfit ingredients, etc ---------- 300 Butter Substitutes, purchase by War De- partment, limitations ------------- 547 Buttons, Pearl or Shell, Philippine, quota on------------------------------- 146 C Cache National Forest, Utah, acquisition of lands for. aonroDriation for------ 285 Cahokia, Ill., bridge authorized across Page Mississippi River at or near ------ _ 861 Calcasieu River, bridge across, at or near Lake Charles, La., time extension for construction _-_-------------_____ _ 660 Calcasieu River and Pass, improvement authorized ---------------------- _ 635 California: Benicia Arsenal, exchange of lands au- thorized ---------_-- - -- -- -- - -- _ 256 Central Valley project, appropriation for --------------_ -- -- -- -- 365,367 District Court, Northern District, ap- pointment of additional judge au- thorized; time limitation -------- 260 Flood-protection projects, adoption and authorization- ---- _------------_ 650 Indians- Attorneys' compensation, etc., ap- propriation for ---- __-- -__ __ Buildings and utilities, construction, etc., appropriation for ------ .. Education, etc., appropriation for -- Industrial assistance, appropriation for--- -------.

Irrigation projects, appropriation for-_ Kings Canyon National Park- Appropriations authorized for per- formance of designated functions and activities -- -- __---...... Authority of commissioner for Se- quoia National Park with respect to ---------.......... ..... Restriction on use of National Park Service appropriations for road 361 357 193 361 357 885 purposes -------------------- 377 Kings River and Tulare Lake, appro- priation for flood-control; report on division of costs -------------- 163 Kings River project, appropriation for_ 367 Klamath project, appropriation for---- 111, 365, 366 Transfer of certain lands, etc., to Bureau of Reclamation-------- 369 Land, acquisition by Military Estab- lishment, reductions in appropria- tions ------------------------- 224 Lassen Volcanic National Park, appro- priations authorized for perform- ance of designated functions and activities ---------------------- 885 Marine school, appropriation for main- tenance ---------------------- _ 500 Monterey County Trust and Savings Bank, Salinas, use of land on Fort Ord Military Reservation-------- 658 Navigation and flood-control projects authorized ---------------- - 338, 636 Parker Dam power project, appropria- tion for---------------------- 111, 365 XXII