Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 1.djvu/1158

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Colleges and Schools--Continued. Page Flood-control projects, certain, provi- sion of school facilities for depend- ents of persons engaged on, author- ized ------------------.----- 637,642 Foreign Scholarships, Board of, appoint- ment authorized ---------------- 755 Housing for faculty members of certain, transfer of facilities for -- _-_---_ 958 Appropriation authorized; funds avail- able------------------------- 959 Military supplies and equipment, reduc- tion in appropriation---__- - -- -- 225 Veterans' education- "Educational or training institu- tions," definition-------------- 934 Facilities, educational- Appropriation for -------------- 612 Transfer of structures, etc., au- thorized; funds available___ 958, 959 Vocational Education Act of 1946. See separate title. Colon, Republic of Panama, appropriation for waterworks, sewers, etc --------- 166 Colony, Okla., Colony Union Graded School District Numbered 1, agree- ment for use of certain lands, consent of designated Indian tribes--------- 976 Colorado: Colorado-Big Thompson project, appro- priation for------------------- 365, 367 Costilla Creek Compact, approval of Congress, etc ------------------- 246 Denver Ordnance Plant, custody and control of portion by Federal Works Administrator--------_ _ --- -- - 259 Eagle County, exchange of lands------ 704 Irrigation projects, appropriation for-- 357 Mesa Verde National Park, water sup- ply line, acquisition of rights-of- way, etc ---------------------- 886 San Luis project, appropriation for.--- 365 White River National Forest, use of cer- tain lands in connection with---- _ 705 Colorado-Big Thompson Project, Colo., ap- propriation for construction, opera- tion, etc---------------------- 365, 367 Colorado River, flood control, etc., appro- priation authorized ---------------- 338 Appropriation for -------- _ --- --- ---- 619 Colorado River Dam Fund, appropriation for ------------------- _--_-----_ 368 Colorado River Development Fund, appro- priation for----------------------- 368 Limitation ------------------------- 369 Colorado River Indian Reservation, irri- gation, etc., appropriation for .- 109, 357 Colorado River Indians, Ariz.: Industrial assistance, appropriation for- 361 Colorado River Indians, Ariz. - Con. Page Transfer of certain buildings from War Relocation Authority to Bureau of Indian Affairs for benefit of Indian veterans ---------------- 192 Colorado River Project, Tex., construc- tion, appropriation for ---------- 111, 367 Colorado River Protection Works, ap- propriation for -- _ --- --- --- -. --- 369, 619 Colorado River Relocation Center, Poston, Ariz., transfer of certain equipment, etc., from War Relocation Authority to Bureau of Indian Affairs--------- 192 Columbia Basin Project, Wash., appro- priation for ---------------- 111, 366, 367 Columbia Institution for the Deaf: Appropriation for ----------------- 105, 687 Plans and specifications for construc- tion, appropriation for----------- 687 Report of expenditures, discontinuance- 871 Columbia River: Bridge authorized across, at or near Northport, Wash -------------- 300 Fishery resources, use of State facilities and services, etc., in conservation- 932 Improvements authorized --------- 637, 638 Columbus, Miss., appropriation for ground rent, Federal building--_--------- 66 Colville Indian Reservation, Wash., ap- propriation for remodeling employees' quarters ------------- --------- 357 Colville Indians, Wash., appropriation for industrial assistance-------------- 361 Comanche County, Okla., conveyance of fish hatchery property to Lawton, Okla., by United States ----------- 58 Comanche Indians, Okla., certain lands set aside in trust for--------------- 305 Command and General Staff School, Fort Leavenworth, Kans.: Appropriation for------------------ 542 Reductions in appropriations --------- 223 Transfer of funds for, authorized------ 14 Commerce, interference by violence, threats, etc., penalties; restriction on construction of Act---------------- 420 Commerce, Department of: Appropriation Act, 1947-------------- 465 Census, Bureau of the- Agriculture, Census of, appropria- tions continued available------- 618 Appropriation for -------------- 108, 465 Evidence of age, procedure for fur- nishing----------------------- 465 Foreign trade statistics, compila- tion- Availability of funds for expendi- ture at seat of Government-_ - 618 Performance of functions in New York, N. Y--------------- 466 INDEX XXXI