Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 1.djvu/1179

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INDEX E Eagle County, Colo., exchange of lands- _ East Cape Girardeau, Ill., examination and survey of Mississippi River au- thorized ---------- ______________- East Jordan, Mich., breakwater at or near, examination and survey of Charlevoix Harbor, Mich., South Arm____________________________ East Point, Fla., examination and survey of Saint George Sound authorized___ East Saint Louis, Ill. -Saint Louis, Mo., bridge authorized across Mississippi River between ---- _______________ Eastland, Tex., flood-protection project authorized ----

_____________ Economic Advisers, Council of: Appropriations authorized ----------- Appropriation for

___________ Creation, composition, etc----------- _ Economic Advisory Committee, Inter- American. See Inter-American Fi- nancial and Economic Advisory Committee. Economic Report, Joint Committee on the. See Joint Committee on the Economic Report. Economic Report of the President: Time for filing --- -- --- ____ _________ Transmittal to Congress ____ -_ _ __ _ _ - Economic Stabilization, Office of: Appropriation for -- _ .____________ Reduction in appropriation ------- ___ Eddyville, Iowa, bridge authorized across Des Moines River at or near--- ___ __ Education, Office of. See under Federal Security Agency. Education and Labor, House Committee on, functions, etc--- .__ ._ .. ... ___. Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Co- operation, National Commission on, organization, appointment of mem- bers; conferences --- . - __._______. . Educational Foundation, Inter-American, Inc. See Inter-American Educational Foundation, Inc. Eggs, maximum price, etc., limitations___ Egypt, appropriation for consular prisons, etc-____________________________- Eight-Mile Creek and Tributaries, Ark., examination and survey authorized- _ Electrification Administration, Rural. See Rural Electrification Administration. Elizabeth-West Elizabeth, Pa., bridge authorized across Monongahela River between-- ---- ___ ___ ___ ___ --- ___ Elizabeth Township, Ohio, acquisition by U. S . of certain reserved mineral rights by grants in exchange for --- _ Page 704 652 640 640 891 649 25 913 24 838 24 606 7 633 825 713 667 451 651 309 924 Emergency Advisory Committee for Polit- Page ical Defense, appropriation for con- tribution ---------------- .

453 Emergency Boards, National Mediation Board, appropriation for -------- 187, 699 Emergency Court of Appeals. See under United States Courts. Emergency Farm Mortgage Act of 1933, Amendment, Land Bank Commis- sioner loans on behalf of Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation________ 532 Emergency Funds, President of the United States. See Emergency funds under President of the United States. Emergency Housing Act of 1946, Vet- erans'. See Veterans' Emergency Housing Act of 1946 under Housing. Emergency Infant Care. See Infant Care, Emergency. Emergency Management, Office for: Administrative expenses, designated, reduction in limitation -------- _ 12, 222 Appropriation for------_- - -- __ _ 58, 105, 604 Reduction in designated appropria- tions-------------------. 6, 221, 624 Claims against U. S ., adjustment, etc., authority respecting -------- _- -_ 608 Constituent agencies. See individual titles. Corporate funds, designated, transfer to Treasury of U. S.- -- -- -- --- -- -- 12,223 Damage claims, appropriation for_ - 200, 629 Delegation of authority --------- _--_ 608 General provisions respecting ------- _ 608 Oaths, administration of ----------- _ 608 Emergency Price Control Act of 1942: Amendments. See Price Control Ex- tension Act of 1946. Subsidy payment restriction, nonap- plicability to premium payments with respect to veterans' emergency housing program- ... __________. Texas City tin smelter, inapplicability of designated provisions to pur- chase of tin ores and concentrates for operation _________ -- -- -- - Emergency Rubber Project: Aliens, employment of- --- . .-- _--- Reduction in appropriation; provision for liquidation _----___ Salinas, Calif., transfer of designated property to Bureau of Plant In- dustry, Soils, and Agricultural Engineering __________ -- -- -- - Empire, La., waterway, improvement authorized.._ __ __ _ _ Employees, Government. See Govern- ment Employees. 214 57 297 10 279 635