Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 1.djvu/1197

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PoT,V WM rnh-cn^- iJl olU ^UU B -LM P-sr Uvr[imin1t . iPti.LItlea uInu AdgeciUf-- - - Continued. Citizenship requirements-Continued. State, Department of, Foreign Service personnel. _ --- _------------- 450 War Department --- _- -. .-- 166, 167, 563 Claims, administrative settlement of certain, report to Congress ------ _ 843 Clothing and equipment, special, avail- ability of appropriations for pur- chase and maintenance ---------- 809J Communications services, provision and operation; restrictions------------ 258 Compensation, increased, for personal services, funds available --------- 632 Contract authorizations, designated, re- duction ----- ____--------_ 11, 222, 628 Contracts With U. S., Etc. See separate title. Damages to public airports, reimburse- ment-----------__- ------ ------ 179 Definitions for purposes of certain pro- visions of law- "Appropriation" --------- ..------ 812 "Continental United States" ------- 811 "Department"-------------------- 811 "Government"

_.---- 811 Delegation of certain authority to sub- ordinate officials ------------ 809 District of Columbia hospital center, establishment, utilization of serv- ices ----

_----------- 897 Exchange allowances on equipment --- 79 Experts, consultants, etc., procurement of temporary or intermittent serv- ices authorized ----------------- 810 Farm Tenant Act, utilization of person- nel in connection with, authorized_ 1065 Foreign Service- Board of, designation of representa- tives on request of Secretary of State--------.------------ 1001 Institute, assignment of personnel to_ 1019 Performance of services by ------- 1002 Personnel, assignment to Govern- ment departments and agencies_ 1011 Fuel, selection and use, recommenda- tions of Bureau of Mines -------- 372 Government Corporations. See sepa- rate title. Government Corporations Appropria- tions Act, 1947. See separate title. Government Printing Office, detail of employees to executive branch, re- striction-----______--------_____ 406 Heads of, inclusion within purview of Civil Service Retirement Act ----- 659 |iovernment iepartments ana Agencies- Page Continued. Health service programs, authorization for ---------- --------------- 903 Public Health Service, consultation and review------------------- 903 Housing- Educational institutions, certain- Educational facilities, transfer of structures, etc., for use as- _ - 958 Appropriation authorized; funds available ------_ - -- -- --- _ 959 Faculty members, transfer of struc- tures, etc., for housing of --- 958 Appropriation authorized; funds available ----- _---------- 959 Veterans' emergency, inclusion of ex- penses under designated adminis- trative expenses-- ---------- 85 Indian Claims Commission, authority to call upon departments for infor- mation--------__

_-----_ 1052 Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, utilization of personnel by-_ _ _ _ _ 773 Lands, use for Federal airport projects, etc -- ------------------ _---- 179 Lifetime Federal Digest, price limita- tion .. ______-------- -- ___---- _ 81 Meteorological reporting network, in- ternational, cooperation in develop- ment of ---------------------- 945 Meteorological reporting stations, Arctic region of Western Hemisphere, co- operation in establishment, etc -- 4 Appropriation for ---------------- 474 Minor purchases without advertising _ 80 Repeal of exemptions ---------- 809 Offices, etc., removed from seat of gov- eriunent, appropriation for return_ 186 Transfer of funds authorized------- 186 Ores of metals and minerals, records respecting, transfer to Bureau of Mines; microfilming, etc- ----- . 1057 Overthrow of U. S. Government, re- striction on employment of persons advocating .---- ---

_ - 77 84, 167, 202, 268, 297, 408, 480, 496, 522, 564, 586, 596, 631, 700, 918. Exceptions- Agriculture, Department of ---- _ 297 Interior, Department of the ----- 385 Overtime, etc., compensation, claims for, payment; authorization to pre- scribe regulations ------------ __ 747 Appropriation for ----------------- 913 Pay Readjustment Act of 1942, nonap- plicability of designated provisions of law to persons whose pay and al- lowances are established by----- 812 LXX INDEX '" -
