Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 1.djvu/1205

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LXXVIII House of Representatives-Continued. Page Reorganization. See Legislative Re- organization Act of 1946. Restaurant, plans for remodeling ------ 838 Retirement pay. See under Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946. Salaries, officers and employees, appro- priation for - . _


104, 602 Salaries and mileage, appropriation for_ 393 Sergeant at Arms, Office of, appropria- tion for----------------------- 395 Snyder, J. Buell, appropriation for pay- ment to widow of --------- _ _.- _ 57 Speaker- Appointments by- Atomic Energy, Joint Committee on, certain members- .-- _-- _ Economic Report, Joint Committee on the, House members----- Philadelphia National Shrines Park Commission, member of.-- --- Philippine independence ceremo- nies, members of commission to represent United States.- .. _. Appropriations authorized---_ _ _ Appropriations for------------- Travel, etc., expenses, availa- bility of appropriation; ad- vances ------------- __._- Princeton University Bicentennial Commission, members of ---- Office of- 772 25 973 260 260 263 602 126 Annual appropriation authorized- _ 834 Appropriation for--------------- 393 Speaker's table, appropriation for ----- 393 Special and minority employees, appro- priation for__________ -- --- ---- -- 396 Special and select committees, appro- priation for------------------- 184, 397 Stationery, appropriation for - __ 184, 398, 602 Telegraph and telephone service, appro- priation for -------------- 184, 263,398 Telephone operators, employment of additional, appropriation for------ 263 House Office Buildings: Caucus rooms, plans for remodeling --- 838 Maintenance, etc., appropriation for_ 401, 603 Pay costs, increased, appropriation for_ 104 Police details for duty on Capitol Grounds -------------. .----- 399,408 Housing: Dwelling houses, priority to veterans for building materials -- _...._- .. _-- . Federal Housing Administration. See also National Housing Act, Amend- ments, this title. Administrative expenses, funds avail- able ---..

__--........... Expenditures, contracts, etc., author- ization; limitation-_........... 81 591 591 Housing-Continued. Federal Housing Administration-Con. Losses under insurance, certain, ap- propriation for payment --- _ Pay costs, increased, increase in lim- itation on amlount for adinilis- trative expenses ._ _ _ _ ---_ ---_ - Penalty mail costs, National lousing Page 592 106 Agency, transfer of funds for._ 500 Salaries and expenses, funds made available-__--------------_--- 187 Transfer of funds to certain Treasury Department appropriations- __ 570, 572 Federal Public Housing Authority- Administrative expenses, funds avail- able--- --------------------- 592 Appropriation for ----------------- 587 Expenditures, contracts, etc., author- ization; limitation ------------- 592 Judgments, appropriation for---- 630, 917 Low-rent projects, citizenship require- ments for tenants; exception for certain veterans, servicemen, etc_ 587 National-defense projects, appropria- ticn for payment of contributions- 587 Pay costs, increased, increase in lini- tation on amount for administra- tive expenses----------------- 106 Penalty mail costs, National Bousing Agency, transfer of funds for- _ - 590 Representatives at sites of non-Feder- al projects, reimbursement for expenses -------------------- 592 Resettlement projects, designated, appropriation for liquidation__- 592 Transfer of funds to certain Treasury Department appropriations- __ 570, 572 Federal Works Agency, contributions for operation and maintenance of school facilities in certain cases, authorization ------------------- 314 Appropriation for----------------- 264 Gila River Indian Reservation, Ariz., transfer of certain buildings for housing for Indian veterans _ - .- - 192 National Capital Housing Authority-- Appropriation for .- - _--__.---- 73, 105 Authority under Alley Dwelling Act, exercise for one-year period _ . 801 Redevelopment company, declaration as, etc-------___------------ 801 National Housing Act, Amendments-- Mortgage insurance- Aggregate amount --------------- 212 Eligibility for- Interest -------------- .- -- - - 213 Occupancy of mortgaged prop- erty, preference or priority of opportunity ---------- 214 Principal obligation ------ 213, 214 INDEX