Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 1.djvu/1210

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LXXXIII Indians-Continued. Page I Hunter, Wis., cooperation with school board for construction of school building available to both Indian and non-Indian children, appropri- I ation authorized ---------------- 923 Indian Claims Commission. See sepa- rate title. I Irrigation projects, deposit of certain collections; credits to trust-fund I accounts----------------------- 895 Revenues from power operations, an- nual appropriations authorized-- 895 1 Keetoowah Indians, Cherokee Nation, Okla., status------------------- 976 Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache Reser- vation, certain lands set aside in trust for Indians of ------------- 305 Lands- Health and educational conditions, etc., inspection of; limitation--- 962 Washington, leasing in------------ 962 Three Affiliated Tribes, exchange of lands with respect to construction of Garrison Dam------------------ 167 Yakima Tribes, provision for member- ship roll ---------------------- 968 Industrial Commodities, lend-lease, re- duction in appropriation---------- 8 Industrial Property, International Bureau for Protection of, appropriation for contribution ---------------------- 453 Industrial Property, International Conven- tion for Protection of, trademarks, designated benefits, etc., of parties to; exception------------------------ 442 Industry Advisory Committees. See Price Control Extension Act of 1946; Stra- tegic and Critical Materials Stock Piling Act. Infant Care, Emergency: Grants to States, appropriation for---- 112, 267, 681 Reduction in appropriation; restric- tion on change in designated allotments-------------------- 11 Infantry School: Appropriation for------------------- 554 Reduction in appropriation --------- 14, 224 Inland Waterways Corporation: Administrative expenses, funds avail- able for ---------------------- 594 Employees, pay rates--------------- 594 Expenditures, contracts, etc., authori- zation; limitation-- ----- .-- - - - - 594 Insect Pest Act, appropriation to effect provisions of ------------------ 280, 281 Insecticide Act, appropriation to effect pro- visions of ------------------- - 108, 292 80634--47-PT . x - 75 nsects: Page Control and investigations, appropria- tion for---------------------- 189,280 Emergency outbreaks-------------- 281 nsley's Cove, Fox Creek, Dorchester County, Md., examination and survey authorized----------------------- 639 nstitute of Health, National, appropriation for operating expenses ---------- 106, 692 nstitute of Mental Health, National. See National Institute of Mental Health. Insurance: Federal Insurance Contributions Act, Amendments. See separate title. Indians, use of funds for payment of premiums authorized------------- 852 Marine and war risk insurance fund, re- volving fund, reduction in appro- priation-------------------- 7, 221, 624 Marine insurance provided by War Shipping Administration, coverage; application of payments to claim, etc-------------------------- 937 National Service Life Insurance Act of 1940. See separate title. Veterans, assignment of bonds issued in payment of leave for payment of premiums, authorization; redemp- tion-------------------------- 967 Insurance Act of 1946---------------- 781 Inter-American Affairs, Institute of: Administrative expenses, funds for--- 594 Contract authorizations, appropriation for payment of obligations in- curred under-------------------- 587 Expenditures, contracts, etc., author- ization; limitation--------------- 594 Penalty mail costs, funds available for. 594 Inter-American Affairs, Office of: Appropriation for payment of obliga- tions incurred under designated contract authorizations ---------- 587 Inter-American Navigation Corpora- tion. See separatetitle. Inter-American Transportation, Insti- tute of. See separate title. Prencinradio, Incorporated. See sepa- rate title. Reduction in appropriation------ -- 7 Inter-American Coffee Board, appropria- tion for contribution-------------- 4 53 Inter-American Convention for Trade Mark and Commercial Protection, General, designated benefits, etc., of parties to------------------------- Inter-American Cultural Relations, Con- vention for Promotion of, appropria- tion for expenses under------------- 47 INDEX