Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 1.djvu/1232

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Marine Corps-Continued. Page Temporary status of personnel- Continuance for designated period, authorized ------------------- 28 Grade, rank, pay, and retirement, effect on -- ------------------ 28 Recall to active duty, grade, etc --- 28 Travel, amendments to Pay Readjust- ment Act of 1942 respecting allow- ances, expenses, etc----------_ 858, 859 Vehicles, personally owned, transporta- tion on permanent change of sta- tion--------------_--.----- --. 857 Veterans. See separate title. Voting, absentee. See separate title. Water and refrigeration, funds available for ------ _ ---. ------- -------- - 497 Marine Corps Reserve. See Reserve un- der Marine Corps. Marine Schools, State: Appropriation for maintenance-------- 500 Reduction in appropriation for - _- - - - _ 624 Surplus property, certain, transfer au- thorized----------------------- 884 Vessels, war-built, availability--------- 49 Maritime Commission. See also Mer- chant Ship Sales Act of 1946; War Shipping Administration. Administrative expenses, increase in amount for----------_ -- .. -- .. .. _ 188 Agricultural products, etc., transporta- tion rates, services, and facilities, petition or complaint respecting- _- 1088 American republics, persons from, in- struction in Merchant Marine Cadet Corps and Merchant Ma- rine Academy ----------------- 961 Commissioners, salary rates----. -- -- - 499 Construction fund- Administrative expenses, reduction in limitation ----------------- 12 Appropriation, reduction in---. 8, 221, 625 Availability for expenses; limitations on expenditures--------------- 499 Contract authorization, reduction- -_ 12, 222, 628 Maritime Commission-Continued. Page Meetings, increase in limitation on amount for attendance ---------- 188 Merchant Marine Academy. See sep- arate title. Merchant Ship Sales Act of 1946. See separatetitle. Philippines- Charters of vessels authorized; in- struction of Filipinos in Mer- chant Marine Cadet Corps, etc- 137 Appropriation for -------------- 621 Contributions of labor, material, etc., from Government of Phil- ippines, acceptance authorized_ 139 Qualifications for instruction, standards for--------- .- - - - 139 Fishing industry, transfer of certain vessels for, authorized -------- _- 138 Price Administration, Office of, au- thorized disclosures by----------- 610 Transfer of funds to certain Treasury Department appropriations _--_ 570, 572 Transportation of personnel engaged in war effort- Limitation on exercise of authority__ 86 Report to Congress --------------- 86 Penalty mail costs, availability for; limitation -------- _ ------ __ Printing and binding, availability for ----------------------. _ _ Damage claims, appropriation for----- Insurance, marine, coverage; application of payments to claim, etc . -____ Marine schools, State, etc., transfer of certain surplus property to, au- thorized -- -- ...------ _____ Medal, discharge button, etc., procure- ment and award to designated persons, authorized; funds avail- able----------. .


499 499 629 937 884 960 Vessels-- Fishing, vessels suitable for, sale by U. S., notice to former owners of disposal .-.------------- Transfer authorized _-_.--- .---. Veterans' preference in acquisition of certain ------------------ Wages and salaries, furnishing of in- formation with respect to re- conversion unemployment bene- fits for seamen ------------- .- War Shipping Administration llquida- tion, transfer of functions, funds, etc -------------------- .. Receipts from operation of designated functions, availability for obliga- 977 549 976 984 501 tion----------------------- 614 Maritime Training, appropriation for -- . 500 Maritime Training Fund, reduction in appropriation------------------ 7, 12. 221 Maritime Workers Unemployment Com- pensation, provisions respecting - --- 981 Market News Service, appropriation for_ 108, 290 Marketing Act of 1946, Agricultural. See Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946. Marketing Administration. See Produc- tion and Marketing Administration, under Agriculture, Department of. Marketing Quotas. See under Agricul- tural Adjustment Act of 1938. Marketing Services. See under Agricul- ture. Deoartment of. INDEX CV

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