Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 1.djvu/1250

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CXXIII Navy Department-Continued. Contractors- Advance payments to certain, dis- continuance of report to Con- gress----------------------- Private, restriction on use of funds under contracts with----. . --- -. Page 868 495 Contracts- Reports to Congress, designated, discontinuance-------------- 867, 868 War contracts, financing of-------- 497 Custodians of embassies, legations, or consulates, assignment of enlisted men as------------------------- 1011 Damage claims- Appropriation for--------------- 200, 619 Delegation of authority respecting settlement of certain -------- 803, 805 Settlement of claims incident to ac- tivities of, increase in limitation- 332 Deceased naval personnel, settlement of accounts; payment of funeral ex- penses------------------- ----- 30 Delegation of authority conferred by designated legislation------------ 858 Dental officers detailed to Military Establishment, reimbursement for pay, allowances, etc------------- 543 Dependents- Quarters for, hiring, restriction------ 486 Transportation of- Payment in lieu of certain; rates-- 126 Payment of costs on commuted basis in certain cases--------- 5 Stations outside U. S., delegation of authority for determining availability of Government transportation ------------- 127 Transfer, dependents and house- hold effects outside continen- tal United States, etc.; pay- ment in lieu ------------- 20, 488 Deserters, etc., expenditures for appre- hension authorized ------------- 856 Disbursing officers, relief of responsi- bility on account of certain losses, etc., discontinuance of report to Congress----------------------- 868 Emergencies and extraordinary ex- penses, provision for, authorized- _- 853 Emergency fund, reduction in appro- priations --------- _-- ---- - 15,626 Examining and retiring boards- Appropriation for ------- _-

_ 494 Salaries, reduction in appropriations- 18 Extension telephones, public quarters of naval personnel to switchboards of official stations, installation --- 853 Finance Department, deserters, etc., expenses in connection with, appro- nriation for --- - F4 Navy Department-Continued. Page Fireboat, transfer to government of Dis- trict of Columbia, authorized----- 936 Foreign countries, employees in, appli- cability of legislation respecting certain allowances -------------- 857 Foreign duty, special, funds for pay- ment for --------------------... 497 Fort Morgan, conveyance to State of Alabama ---------------------- 332 General Board- Appropriation for----------------- 494 Salaries, reduction in appropria- tions---------------------- 18,627 Guam. See separate title. Helium, transfer of funds to Bureau of Mines for procurement----------- 375 Hospitals, subsistence of personnel in- _ 855 Household servants, restriction on em- ployment of enlisted men or civil employees as------------------- 486 Housing projects- Appropriation for operation and maintenance; restriction ------- 490 National defense, appropriation for payment of contributions with respect to-------------------- 587 Hydrographic Office- Appropriation for-------------- 494, 495 Reductions in designated appropria- tions------------------ 19, 227, 627 Salaries, transfer of funds ---------- 627 Transfer from Bureau of Naval Per- sonnel to Chief of Naval Opera- tions------------------------ 1099 Indian Affairs, Bureau of, transfer of surplus property to-------------- 363 Inductees, funds available for expenses of-------------------------- . 496 Insane persons, certain, functions with respect to, transfer ------------- 1098 Inspection and Survey, Board of- Appropriation for----------------- 494 Reductions in appropriations ------ 19, 627 Inspectors of U. S. buildings abroad, assignment of personnel as----- 458, 1011 Judge Advocate General, Office of- Appropriation for ---------------- 494 Salaries, reduction in appropriations- 19 Judgments, appropriation for--------- 201, 202,629, 630 Land-purchase contracts, limitation on commission-------------------- 497 Latin American countries, officers and students, provision for expenses--- 858 Leave Act of 1946, Armed Forces. Sea separate title. Letters patent, purchase, etc------- 495, 857 Liberated areas, provision for adminis- tration authorized --------------- 858 INDEX r ------ . -- v - - - - v --