Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 1.djvu/1253

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INDEX Navy Department-Continued. Page Regulations, etc., in force, copies to officers, repeal of provision respect- ing -------- _-----------------_ 234 Reports to Congress- Discontinuance of certain--------- 867, 868 Flight pay, designated officers receiv- ing; monthly average---------- 20 Pay Readjustment Act of 1942, recom- mendation for revision _-- ----_ 20 Strategic and Critical Materials Stock Piling Act, activities under 598 Transfer of funds----------_ -- - - - -_ 498 Transfers, gifts, etc., certain, proposals respecting .- -- -- - -- - -- ---- --- 898 Transportation of personnel engaged in war effort ------------------ 86 Retirement boards- Appointment; composition--------- 26, 27 Recommendations, submittal to President--------------------- 27 Termination of convening authority-- 29 Rewards- Missing naval property, payment for information leading to recovery or discovery----------------- . 858 Restriction on payment------------ 495 Suggestions resulting in improve- ments- Civilian personnel, payment to; re- peal of prior provision ------ 857 Payment, funds for ------------ _ 497 Safety, occupational health, etc., use of appropriations for promotion of-- 856 Salaries- Appropriation for----- ---------- 494 Reduction in appropriations ------- 18 Schools, contribution to support in designated cases, authorized ----- 854 Scientific equipment, contracts, etc., for, exemptions relating to certain excess profits, discontinuance of re- port to Congress respecting------ 867 Scientific investigations and research, expenditures authorized -----. -- - 856 Secretary, Office of- Appropriation for ------ _------- 481, 494 Damage claims, appropriation for-_ - 619 Reduction in designated appropria- tions ------------ _------ 15, 18,626 Ships, Bureau of- Defense installations on merchant vessels- Availability of designated appro- priation -------- _--_------_ 225 Reduction in appropriations------ 16 Maintenance- Appropriation for---------------- 485 Reduction in appropriations- 16, 225, 626 Transfer of funds --------------- 627 Navy Department-Continued. Pae Ships, Bureau of-Continued. Salaries- Appropriation for ---- _---------_ 494 Reduction in appropriations-__ -- 19, 227 Shore establishments, use of permanent type of construction----- ----- _ 490 Shore patrols, expenditures for opera- tion authorized--------- _- --- --_ 856 Sitka naval base, Japonski Island, trans- fer to Secretary of the Interior, authorized -------------------- 362 Special Devices Division, transfer to Office of Naval Research- ------ 780 Sponsors of vessels, gift of article from vessel authorized --------------- 898 State, Department of, reimbursement by, for materials, equipment, serv- ices, etc ------


_ 452 Strategic and Critical Materials Stock Piling Act. See separate title. Strikes against U. S. Government, re- striction on employment of persons engaging, etc., in --------- _----_ 496 Supplies and Accounts, Bureau of- Clothing and small stores fund, transfer of funds-------------- 628 Fuel, etc., Navy- Appropriation for -------------- 489 Reduction in appropriation-- 16, 226, 626 Transfer of funds---------- 228, 627, 628 Maintenance- Appropriation for ------------ 195, 488 Reduction in appropriation_- 16, 226, 626 Cancellation of designated re- duction; increase in appro- priation--__-_ ___. ___ ___- 226 Transfer of funds to, authorized___ 228 Naval Procurement Fund, accounting procedure ---------------- - 489 Naval Stock Account and Fund, re- duction in amount; limitation on- 228 Naval Stock Fund- Reduction in appropriation------. 226 Transfer of funds, authorized----- 226 Pay, subsistence, etc.- Appropriation for ------------- 486 Reductions in appropriations - _- 16, 226 Transfers of funds --- 228, 487, 627, 628 Limitation -------- -------- 487 Pay accounts, naval personnel, ad- justment between proper appro- priations of unpaid, etc., balances_ 3 Salaries- Appropriation for -----------. _- 494 Reduction in appropriations----- 19, 227 Transportation, recruiting, etc.- Appropriation for ----------- 489, 619 Reduction in appropriation _ --- _ 16, 226 Transfer of funds---------------- 628 CXXVI