Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 1.djvu/1270

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President of the United States-Con. Naval officers, retirement for age-----. Deferment in certain cases---------- Philippine Islands- Executive agreement with, authori- zation; limitations -------. ---- Military assistance to, authorization for------ .-- -- -- -- -- -__ -- --- Rehabilitation, transfer of funds to Government departments and agencies, approval ------------ Correction respecting- --_ _ - - - .- - Philippine Property Act of 1946. See under Philippine Islands. Price and wage control- Recommendations to Congress re- specting legislation------------ Shortages necessitating continuance of powers, report to Congress Page 28 29 151 315 622 916 664 President of the United States-Con. Page United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization- Membership for U. S ., acceptance authorized ------------------ _ 712 Representatives, designation, etc---- 712 Vehicles, exemption from certain limita- tions on use ------------------- _ 79 White House Police. See separate title. Press, American, reporting on UNRRA supplies and services, restriction on use of funds for country refusing ad- mission, etc---------------------- 603 Preston and Miller Pond Drainage and Levee District, Ill., examination and survey authorized ----- _-----_---_ 652 Pribilof Islands, Alaska, appropriation for furnishing food, etc., to natives ----- 379 Price Administration, Office of. See also Price Control Extension Act of 1946. Agricultural commodities, maximum prices, limitations respecting ----- 610 Appropriation estimate, reconsideration and revision; publication in Fed- eral Register-------------------- 609 Appropriation for --------------- 608, 913 Damage claims, appropriation for------ 629 Experience requirement, designated per- sonnel ------------------------ 610 Fruits and vegetables, certain, restric- tion on use of funds for payment of persons fixing maximum prices-- _ _ 610 Information, certain, restriction on divulging; authorized disclosures- __ 609 Informational functions, limitation on expenditures-------------------- 609 Maritime Commission, furnishing of information to------------------ 610 Navy Department, furnishing of infor- mation to---------------------- 609 Oaths, administration of-------------- 610 Propaganda, restriction on payment of persons disseminating, etc------- 609 Reductions in designated appropria- tions -------------------------- 7 Salaries and expenses, additional ap- propriation for ----------------- 58 Subsidies. See separate title. Termination date-------------------- 664 War Department, furnishing of infor- mation to--------------------- 609 Price Control, Second War Powers Act, restriction provision---------------- 346 Price Control Extension Act of 1946: Agricultural commodities- Agriculture, Secretary of, recom- mendations respecting maximum prices, etc.; exercise of functions by------------------------- 666 respecting ------------------ _ 665 Proclamations- Bill of Rights Day, issuance author- ized-----.- ------- ------- -- 229 Dedication Day, request for issuance. 894 Foreign proprietors of trade-marks, renewal of registrations after expiry, authorized ------------ 568 General Pulaski's Memorial Day, authorized----------- -------- 262 Property, etc., return of, by Alien Property Custodian. See under Trading With the Enemy Act. Protection of, appropriation for-_ 461, 462, 576 Reports to be submitted to, by/on- American Battle Monuments Com- mission, financial, etc., transac- tions-------- --------------- 318 Atomic Energy Commission, use of fissionable material or atomic energy --------------------- 764 Economic Advisers to the President, Council of -----------. - -- - - -- 25 Foreign Liquidation Commissioner, disposal of surplus property in Philippines ------------------- 134 Navy, Secretary of the, recommenda- tions of retirement boards ------ 27 Railroad Retirement Board and Federal Security Administrator, joint report-------------_- -- - - 732 State, Secretary of, Foreign Service Retirement and Disability Fund, condition; appropriation esti- mates ---------- .-- -- -. -- 1024 Strategic and critical materials, stock piles of, authority respecting dis- position- -----

__-_ 598 Traveling expenses, increase in amount authorized --------------------- 811 INDEX CXLIII
