Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 1.djvu/1312

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CLXXXV War Department-Continued. Page Civil functions, appropriation for - -- _ 83, 84, 160, 199, 268 , 624, 917 Civilian personnel- Dependents, payment of transporta- tion costs on commuted basis in certain cases------------------ Instruction and training, funds avail- able for ------------ _ ------ Command and General Staff School, Fort Leavenworth. Kans. - Appropriation for -_------------- Reduction in appropriation -------- Transfer of funds for, authorized -- Commission of persons from civilian life, discontinuance of report to 5 564 542 223 14 Congress ------------- _ ---- ---. 868 Conscientious objectors, limitation on use of funds for ---------------- 543 Construction, permanent, limitation on_ 553 Contingencies, Army- Appropriation for----------------- 541 Reduction in appropriations-------- 13 Contingent expenses- Appropriation for----------------- 562 Reduction in appropriations------- 14, 225 Contracts, war- Financing of --------------------- 562 Renegotiation of, designated rescis- sions deemed compliance with excessive profits provision ------ 565 Contracts in excess of $150,000, discon- tinuance of designated part of re- port to Congress---------------- 867 Couriers, Department of State, assign- ment of personnel as------------- 1011 Damage claims, payment, etc.- Appropriation for----------------- 199, 268, 546, 551, 561, 623 Appropriations available ----------- 167 Increase in limitation ------- _----_ 332 Reduction in appropriations------ 223, 625 Deceased officers or enlisted men, set- tlement of accounts; payment of funeral expenses -------------... Dependents- Military personnel- Stations outside U. S. , delegation of authority for determining availability of Government transportation _. ... ... ... .. Transportation, certain, payment in lieu; rates.---............ Officers', travel expenses, availability of appropriations for payment__ Transportation costs, dependents of designated personnel, payment on commuted basis in certain cases --


__---_- 30 127 126 14 S War Department-Continued. Page Dependents-Continued. Transportation of, on change of sta- tion-.......-........._ ____ __ 545 Disbursements, inspections respecting, discontinuance of report to Con- gress ..---------------------. _ 870 Domestic food or clothing products, pref- erence for ---------------------- 547 Employment, departmental, delegation of authority respecting--__ _-- --- _ 566 Engineers, Corps of- Appropriation for-_-------- 161, 199, 624 Barracks and quarters- Appropriation for--------------- 552 Reduction in appropriation ---- _ 13 Beach Erosion Board, assignment of retired officer authorized; limita- tion------------------------- 637 Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors, assignment of retired officer authorized; limitation___ 637 Bridge Act of 1946, General. See separatetitle. Bridges, alteration of, appropriation for U. S. share of expenses---- - 162 Chief of Engineers, Office of- Appropriation for--------------- 561 Personal services, increased pay costs, increase in limitation on expenditures --------------- 83 Position, designated, establishment authorized----------------- 637 Engineer Service- Appropriation for--------------- 552 Buildings, etc. , cost limitation - _ _ 224 Reduction in appropriations- 13, 224 , 625 Flood control. See under Rivers and Harbors. Flood Control Act of 1946. See sep- arate title. Harbor channels, maintenance, ap- propriation for --------------- 162 Military posts- Construction, etc. , appropriation for --------------------- 552 Reduction in appropriation ------- 13 Mississippi River Commission, cer- tain retired officers, retention of position, etc.; pay------------- 646 Peoria, Ill. , appropriation for removal of Upper Free Bridge---------- 162 Personnel, additional, employment of; report to Congress --------- 161 Philippine Islands, restoration, etc., of designated public works--- 135, 136 Contributions of labor, materials, etc., from Government of Phil- iodines. acceptance authorized 139 INDEX r J v