Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 1.djvu/133

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 143-APR. 19, 1946 Office of Education: "Library service", $3,700; "Services for the blind", $980; "Salaries", $61,440; "Salaries and expenses" (vocational education), $53,300; Public Health Service: "Industrial hygiene", $11280; "Foreign quarantine service", $232,700; "Hospitals and medical care", $3,935,200; "National Institute of Health", $228,000; "National Cancer Institute, operating expenses", $58,700; "Salaries and miscellaneous expenses", $160,000; Saint Elizabeths Hospital: "Salaries and expenses", $663,700; Social Security Board: "Salaries, Bureau of Public Assistance", $130,000; "Salaries, Bureau of Employment Security", $105,700; "Salaries, Bureau of Old-Age and Survivors' Insurance", $3,240,200; "Salaries, offices of the Social Security Board", $525,200; Office of Vocational Rehabilitation: "For payments to States", $11,500; "For general administrative expenses", $45,400; Office of the Administrator: "Salaries, Office of the Administrator", $25,800; "Community War Services", $62,900; "Salaries, Division of Personnel Management", $17,000; "Salaries, Division of Service Operations", $50,700; "Salaries, Office of the General Counsel", $94,000; Total, Federal Security Agency, $10,447,100. 9 Stat. 12 FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY For- Office of the Administrator: "Salaries and expenses", $35,530; Public Buildings Administration: "General administrative expenses", $201,380; "Salaries and expenses, public buildings and grounds in the District of Columbia and adjacent area", $4,372,460; "Salaries and expenses, public buildings and grounds outside the District of Columbia", $1,547,130; Total, Federal Works Agency, $6,156,500. f9 Stat. 121 . NATIONAL HOUSING AGENOC For- Office of the Administrator: "Salaries and expenses": (The amount which may be used for administrative expenses is increased by $52,900.) Federal Home Loan Bank Administration: "Salaries and expenses": (The amount which may be used for administrative expenses is increased by $126,000.) Federal Housing Administration: "Salaries and expenses": (The amount which may be used for administrative expenses is increased by $314,800.) Federal Public Housing Authority: "Salaries and expenses": (The amount which may be used for administrative expenses is increased by $296,200.) 69 stat. 136. DEPARTBMENT OF AGRICULTUR1 For- Office of the Secretary: "Salaries and expenses", $204,000; Office of the Solicitor: "Salaries and expenses", $242,000; 106 [60 STAT.