Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 1.djvu/202

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60 STAT.] 79TH CONG., 2D SESS.-CH. 251 -MAY 13, 1946 Approval (d) All such projects shall be subject to the approval of the Admin- istrator, which approval shall be given only if, at the time of approval, funds are available for payment of the United States share of the allowable project costs, and only if he is satisfied that the project will contribute to the accomplishment of the purposes of this Act, that sufficient funds are available for that portion of the project costs which is not to be paid by the United States under this Act, that the project will be completed without undue delay, that the public agency or public agencies which submitted the project application have legal authority to engage in the airport development as proposed, and that all project sponsorship requirements prescribed by or under the authority of this Act have been or will be met. No project shall be approved by the Administrator with respect to any airport unless a public agency holds good title, satisfactory to the Administrator, to the landing area of such airport or the site therefor, or gives assurance satisfactory to the Administrator that such title will be acquired. Hearings (e) Project applications shall be matters of public record in the office of the Administrator. Any public agency, person, association, firm, or corporation having a substantial interest in the disposition of any application by the Administrator may file with the Adminis- trator a memorandum in support of or in opposition to such applica- tion; and any such agency, person, association, firm, or corporation shall be accorded, upon request, a public hearing with respect to the location of any airport the development of which is proposed. The Administrator is authorized to prescribe regulations governing such public hearings, and such regulations may prescribe a reasonable time within which requests for public hearings shall be made and such other reasonable requirements as may be necessary to avoid undue delay in disposing of project applications. UNITED STATES SHARE OF PROJECT COSTS General Provision SEC. 10. (a) Except as provided in subsections (b), (c), and (d) of this section, the United States share payable on account of any approved project under this Act shall be- (1) in the case of a project for the development of a class 3 or Class 3proect. smaller airport, 50 per centum of the allowable project costs of the project; (2) in the case of a project for the development of a class 4 or Class 4 ect. larger airport, such portion of the allowable project costs of the project (not to exceed 50 per centum) as the Administrator may deem appropriate for carrying out the provisions of this Act. Projects in Public Land States (b) In the case of any State containing unappropriated and unre- served public lands and nontaxable Indian lands (individual and tribal) exceeding 5 per centum of the total area of all lands therein, the United States share under subsection (a) (1), and the maximum United States share under subsection (a) (2), shall be increased by whichever is the smaller of the following percentages thereof: (1) 25 per centum, or (2) a percentage equal to one-half the percentage that the area of all such lands in such State is of its total area. 175