Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 1.djvu/209

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PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 258, 260 , 261 -MAY 15, 16, 1946 [60 STAT. [CHAPTER 258] AN ACT May 15, 1946 [H. R. 630] To make permanent the provisions of the Act of July 11, 1941, prohibiting pros- [Public Law 381] titution in the vicinity of military and naval establishments. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Prostitution near United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Act establishme nas entitled "An Act to prohibit prostitution within such reasonable dis- tance of Military and/or Naval Establishments as the Secretaries of War and/or Navy shall determine to be needful to the efficiency, 55 Stat: . s V. health, and welfare of the Army and/or Navy", approved July 11, 5 18a. 1941, as amended, is amended by striking out "until May 15, 1946, or the date of the termination of hostilities in the present war, or on such earlier date as may be specified in a concurrent resolution of the two Houses of Congress for that purpose. As used in this section the term 'date of the termination of hostilities in the present war' means the date proclaimed by the President as the date of such termination or the date specified in a concurrent resolution of the two Houses of Congress as the date of such termination, whichever is the earlier". Approved May 15, 1946. [CHAPTER 260] May 16, 1946 [S. 2101] [Public Law 3821 40 Stat. 411 .§ 1-31; Supp. V, § 3 et see. Ante, pp. 50, 54; post, pp . 418, 925, 944. Relief supplies. Povt, p . 93!). "Person." "Date of cessation of hostilities." AN ACT To amend the Trading With the Enemy Act, as amended, to permit the shipment of relief supplies. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Trading With the Enemy Act, as amended, is amended by adding the follow- ing new section at the end thereof: "SEc. -. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, it shall be lawful, at any time after the date of cessation of hostilities with any country with which the United States is at war, for any person in the United States to donate, or otherwise dispose of to, and to transport or deliver to, any person in such country any article or articles (including food, clothing, and medicine) intended to be used solely to relieve human suffering. "(b) As used in this section- "(1) the term 'person' means any individual, partnership, asso- ciation, company or other unincorporated body of individuals, or corporation or body politic; "(2) with respect to any country with which the United States was at war on January 1, 1946, the term 'date of cessation of hostilities' shall mean the date of enactment of this Act; "(3) with respect to any other war the term 'date of cessation of hostilities' shall mean the date specified by proclamation of the President or by a concurrent resolution of the two Houses of Congress, whichever is the earlier." Approved May 16, 1946. [CHAPTER 261] ANT ANCT May 16, 1946 [H. R. 3936 To provide for the evacuation and return of the remains of certain persons who [Public Law 383] died and are buried outside the continental limits of the United States. Return of remains of certain persons bur' led outside U. S. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Congress hereby declares it to be in the public interest to provide for the evac- uation and return of the remains of certain persons who have died since September 3, 1939, and whose remains are buried in places located outside the continental limits of the United States and could