Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 1.djvu/221

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194 PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 263-MAY 18, 1946 [60 STAT. Indian reservation roads", including the objects specified under this 59 Stat. 337. head in the Interior Department Appropriation Act, 1946, $400,000, to remain available until expended. BUREAU OF RECLAMATION Rio Grande project, New Mexico-Texas: The limitation under the subhead "Rio Grande project, New Mexico-Texas", Bureau of Recla- 59 Stat. 340 . mation, in the Interior Department Appropriation Act, 1946, upon the amount available from power revenues for the operation and main- tenance of the power system is hereby increased from "$80,700" to "$130,700". FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE SALARIES AND EXPENSES Maintenance of mammal and bird reservations: For an additional amount for administration, protection, and maintenance of mammal and bird reservations, including the objects specified under this head 569Stat.36. in the Interior Department Appropriation Act, 1946, and for the improvement, construction, and repair of the outlet channel from Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee, to the Mississippi River, and control facili- ties connected therewith, fiscal year 1946, $20,000, to remain available until June 30,1947. Departmental per- The limitation in the Interior Department Appropriation Act, sonal]services. 59 Stat. 356. 1946, on the amount which may be expended during the fiscal year 1946, from appropriations of the Fish and Wildlife Service for departmental personal services, including such services in the Dis- trict of Columbia, is hereby increased from "$704,828" to "$729,000". Halibut allocation program: For expenses necessary to enable the Fish and Wildlife Service to administer an allocation program for the Pacific halibut fishery pursuant to authority delegated to the Secretary of the Interior under Food Directive Numbered 2, issued by the Secretary of Agriculture on February 8, 1943 (8 F. R. 1777), as amended March 16, 1943 (8 F. R . 3280), including personal serv- ices in the District of Columbia; contract stenographic reporting services; the acceptance and utilization of voluntary and uncompen- sated services; maintenance, operation, repair, and hire of passenger automobiles; printing and binding; and the purchase in the District of Columbia and elsewhere of items otherwise properly chargeable to the appropriation "Contingent expenses, Department of the Inte- 59 Stat. 319. rior"; fiscal year 1946, $39,700, to remain available until December 31, 1946. GOVERNMENT IN THE TERRITORIES TERRrrORY OF ALASKA Insane of Alaska: For an additional amount for "Insane of Alaska", including the objects specified under this head in the 59 Stat. 357. Interior Department Appropriation Act, 1946, $14,000. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE LEGAL ACTIVITIES AND GENERAL ADMINISTRATION Contingent expenses: For an additional amount, fiscal year 1937, for "Contingent expenses", including the objects specified for this 49 stat. 1322 purpose in the Department of Justice Appropriation Act, 1937, $11.