Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 1.djvu/233

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 267-MAY 21, 1946 Apprenticeship agreement. Terms and condi- tions. Conformity with standards. Agreement entered into by minor. Determination, etc., of violation. thousand hours of reasonably continuous employment for such person and for his participation in an approved program of training through employment and through education in related and supplemental subjects. SEC. 8. Every apprenticeship agreement entered into under this Act shall contain- (1) the names and signatures of the contracting parties, includ- ing the apprentice's parent or guardian if he be a minor; (2) the date of birth of the apprentice; (3) a statement of the trade, craft, or business which the apprentice is to be taught and the time at which the apprentice- ship will begin and end; (4) a statement showing the number of hours to be spent by the apprentice in work and the number of hours to be spent in related and supplemental instruction, which instruction shall be not less than one hundred and forty-four hours per year; (5) a statement setting forth a schedule of the processes in the trade or industry divisions in which the apprentice is to be taught and the approximate time to be spent at each process; (6) a statement of the graduated scale of wages to be paid the apprentice and whether the required school time shall be com- pensated; (7) a statement providing for a period of probation during which time the apprenticeship agreement shall be terminated by the Director at the request in writing of either party, and pro- viding that after such probationary period the apprenticeship agreement may be terminated by the Director by mutual agree- ment of all parties thereto, or canceled by the Director for good and sufficient reasons; (8) a provision that all controversies or differences concerning the apprenticeship agreement which cannot be adjusted by con- ference between the apprentice and the employer or under the terms of the apprenticeship standard shall be submitted to the Director for determination as provided for in section 9; (9) a provision that an employer who is unable to fulfill his obligation under the apprenticeship agreement may, with the approval of the Director or under the direction of the joint trade apprenticeship committee, transfer such contract to any other employer: Provided, That the apprentice consents and that such other employer agrees to assume the obligations of said appren- ticeship agreementi (10) such additional terms and conditions as may be pre- scribed or approved by the council not inconsistent with the pro- visions of this Act. SEC. 9. No apprenticeship agreement shall be registered or approved by the Director under the provisions of this Act unless it conforms with the standards established by or in accordance with this Act and is in the best interests of the apprentice. Where a minor enters into an agreement for a period of training extending into his majority, and such agreement has been approved by the Director, then such apprenticeship agreement shall, if the parties therein so provide, have the same force and effect during the period covered by the majority of such minor as if such agreement were entered into during the majority of such minor. SEC. 10. (a) Upon the complaint of any interested person or upon his own initiative, the Director may investigate to determine if there has been a violation of the terms of an apprenticeship agreement made under this Act, and he may hold hearings, inquiries, and other proceedings necessary to such investigation and determination. The parties to such an agreement shall be given a fair and impartial 206 [60 STAT.