Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 1.djvu/290

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60 STAT.] 79TH CONG., 2D SESS.-CH. 425 -JUNE 21, 1946 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OFFICE OF THE CLERK Salaries: For the employment of eight additional telephone oper- ators at the basic rate of $1,800 per annum each (authorized by House Resolution Numbered 628, adopted May 21, 1946), fiscal year 1947, $14,400. COMMITTEE EMPLOYEES Stenographer, Committee on Expenditures in the Executive Depart- ments, at the rate of $2,400 per annum, fiscal year 1947, $2,400. OFFICE OF DOORKEEPER Salaries: For payment of fifty pages, including ten pages for duty at the entrances to the Hall of the House, from July 1 to December 31, 1946, both dates inclusive, at $5 per day each, fiscal year 1947, $46,000. CONTINGENT EXPENSES OF THE HOUSE Reporting hearings: For an additional amount for stenographic reports of hearings of committees other than special and select com- mittees, fiscal year 1946, $5,000. Telegraph and telephones: For an additional amount for telegraph and telephone service, exclusive of personnel services, fiscal year 1946, $25,000. Folding documents: For an additional amount for folding speeches and pamphlets at a rate not to exceed $1 per thousand or for the employment of personnel at a rate not exceeding $5.20 per day per person, fiscal year 1946, and to remain available until June 30, 1947, $15,000. COMMISSION TO REPRESENT THE UNITED STATES AT THE PHILIPPINE INDEPENDENCE CEREMONIES For travel and other expenses of the Commission created by H. J. Res. 360, entitled "Joint resolution to provide for United States participation in the Philippine independence ceremonies on July 4, 1946", to enable the Commission to make and carry out appropriate plans for United States participation in such ceremonies, in accord- ance with the provisions of said joint resolution, $30,000, to remain available until July 31, 1946, and to be disbursed by the Secretary of the Senate on vouchers approved by the Chairman of the Com- mission. INDEPENDENT OFFICES 263 Pot, p. 394. Pot.p. 39 . Post,p . 396. 59 Stat. 248. Ante, p. 184. 59 Stat. 249. Ante, p. 184 . 59 Stat. 249. Post, pp. 398, 912 . Ante, p . 280; post, p. 602. FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Penalty mail costs: For an additional amount, fiscal year 1946, 5 Stt.112 . for deposit in the general fund of the Treasury for cost of penalty mail of the Federal Power Commission, $1,000. FEDERAL SECURrIT AGENCY SOCIAL SECURITY BOARD Such sums as may be necessary are hereby appropriated for making for the first quarter of the fiscal year 1947 (1) grants to States for assistance to aged needy individuals, needy dependent children, and needy individuals who are blind, as authorized in titles I, IV, and Grants to States. Post, p. 694.