Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 1.djvu/34

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79TH CONG., 2D SESS.-CH. 30-FEB. 18, 1946 Office of Defense Transportation: Salaries and expenses, $3,075,000, and limitations under this head are hereby decreased as follows: (1) Traveling expenses from "$452,500" to "$150,000", (2) printing and binding from "$47,500" to "$14,000" (of which the amount available outside continental United States is decreased from "$1,800" to "$500"), and (3) penalty mail costs from "$118,900" to "$53,000". Office of Economic Stabilization: Salaries and expenses, $53,780, and limitations under this head are hereby decreased as follows: (1) Penalty mail costs from "$2,250" to "$1,500", (2) traveling expenses from "$4,500" to "$4,000", and (3) printing and binding from "$2,000" to "$1,600". Office of Inter-American Affairs: Salaries and expenses, $1,500,000. Office of Scientific Research and Development: Salaries and expenses, $56,101,792. Office of War Information: Salaries and expenses, $6,912,558, and limitations under this head are hereby decreased as follows: (1) Temporary employment in the United States by contract or otherwise without regard to the civil-service and classification laws from "$45,800" to "$28,750", (2) travel within continental United States from "$267,500" to "$237,500", (3) printing and binding within continental United States from "$1,000,000" to "$587,500", and (4) to meet emer- gencies of a confidential character from "$250,000" to "$47,500". War Manpower Commission: General administration, $71,194. Apprentice training service (national defense), $131,500, and the balance to remain available until December 31, 1945. Training Within Industry Service (national defense), $125,000, and the balance to remain available until December 31, 1945. Migration of workers, $479,000. War Production Board: Salaries and expenses, $10,000,000, and limitations under this head are hereby decreased as follows: (1) Travel expenses from "$1,944,000" to "$954,000", (2) penalty mail costs from "$210,000" to "$105,000", (3) printing and binding from "$648,000" to "$346,000", and (4) salary of the head of the agency from "$15,000" to "$12,000", except that so long as the position is held by the present incumbent the salary shall remain at $15,000. War Shipping Administration: Revolving fund, $195,452,000. Maritime training fund, $25,000,000. Marine and war risk insurance fund, revolving fund, $91,000,000. Office of Censorship: Salaries and expenses, $8,200,000. Office of Price Administration: Salaries and expenses, $25,929,000, and limitations under this head are hereby decreased as follows: (1) Printing and binding from "$1,470,000" to "$961,064", (2) traveling expenses from "$7,949,700" to "$6,780,000", and (3) penalty mail costs from "$5,210,550" to "$3,085,000". Office of Strategic Services: Salaries and expenses, $9,500,000, and limitations under this head are hereby decreased as follows: (1) Expenditures without regard to provisions of law and regulations from "$10,500,000" to "$3,000,000", and (2) expenditures for objects of a confidential nature from "$10,000,000" to "$2,750,000". 69 Stat. 474. Post, p . 264 59 Stat. 47. 69 Stat. 476. 69 Stat. 475. Post, pp. 221, 624. 69 Stat. 477 59 Stat. 380 , 381 59 Stat. 479 . Po0, I. . 59 Stat. 480. Pot, pp. 221, 624. 69 Stat. 482. Post, p . 221. 59 Stat. 414. 69 Stat. 483 . 60 STAT.]