Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 1.djvu/411

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 529-JULY 1, 1946 Aircraft. 46 Stat. 824 . 48 U.S.C.§ 599. Post, p. 594. 39 Stat. 1132; 49 Stat. 1813. Agricultural sta- tion. The following appropriations herein made shall be available for the hire, maintenance, and operation of aircraft: "Salaries and expenses, Governor and Secretary, Territory of Alaska"; "Construction and maintenance of roads, bridges, and trails, Alaska"; "Reconstruction and improvement of Richardson Highway, Alaska"; and "Alaska Rail- road appropriated fund". TERRITORY OF HAWAII For expenses of the offices of the Governor and the Secretary, includ- ing salaries of the Governor, the Secretary $6,440, and the private sEcretary to the Governor $4,383; for printing and binding; travel expenses of the Governor; and $935 for temporary clerk hire; $23,800, to be expended by the Governor. Legislative expenses, Territory of Hawaii: For compensation and mileage of members of the Legislature of the Territory of Hawaii as provided by the Act of June 27,1930, $47,200. GOVERNMENT OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS For salaries of the Governor and employees incident to the execution of the Acts of March 3, 1917 (48 U. S. C. 1391), and June 22, 1936 (48 U. S. C . 1405v), travel expenses, printing and binding; repair, preservation and care of Federal buildings and furniture, purchase of water, and other necessary miscellaneous expenses, maintenance, repair, and operation of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles, and not to exceed $4,000 for personal services, household equipment and furnishings, fuel, ice, and electricity necessary in the operation of Government House at Saint Thomas and Government House at Saint Croix, $200,215, to be expended by and under the direction of the Governor. For salaries and expenses of the agricultural station in the Virgin Islands, including technical personnel, clerks, and other persons; scientific investigations of plants and plant industries, and diseases of animals; demonstrations in practical farming; official traveling expenses; fixtures, apparatus, and supplies; clearing and fencing of land; and other necessary expenses; maintenance, repair, and oper- ation of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles, $39,800, to be expended by and under the direction of the Governor. Municipal government of Saint Croix: For defraying the deficit in the treasury of the municipal government of Saint Croix, Virgin Islands, because of the excess of current expenses over current reve- nues for the fiscal year 1947, $71,200, to be paid in monthly installments. For salaries and expenses of three municipal experts, to be appointed by the chairman of the Senate Committee on Appropriations and the chairman of the House Committee on Appropriations, to make a study of, and report to said committees on, the fiscal affairs of the munici- pality of Saint Croix, Virgin Islands, $6,000. SOUTHWESTERN POWER ADMINISTRATION Operation and maintenance: For operation and maintenance of the southwestern power transmission system, marketing of electric power and energy, and administrative expenses connected therewith; including hire, maintenance, repair and operation of passenger auto- mobiles, and printing and binding; $100,000. Construction: For construction and acquisition (not to exceed $1,352,415 for purchase of the Ark-La line from Markham Ferry, Oklahoma, to Nimrod, Arkansas) of transmission lines, substations, and appurtenant facilities, and administrative expenses connected 384 [60 STAT.