Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 1.djvu/522

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60 STAT.] 79TH CONG., 2D SESS.-CH. 543 -JULY 8, 1946 CONTINGENT AND MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES, HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE For all necessary expenses (except salaries) for the maintenance and operation of the Hydrographic Office at the seat of government and for all necessary salaries and expenses for the branch offices, including purchase and printing of nautical books, charts, and sailing directions; modernization, care, and repair of lithographic presses and machinery; pilot and aeronautical charts; reference books and periodicals; $1,500,000. CONTINGENT AND MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES, NAVAL OBSERVATORY For professional and scientific books, books of reference, periodicals, engravings, photographs, and fixtures for the library; apparatus and instruments, and repairs of the same; repairs to buildings (including quarters), fixtures, and fences; cleaning, repair, and upkeep of grounds and roads; furniture and furnishings for offices and quarters, gas, chemicals, paints, and stationery, including transmission of public documents through the Smithsonian exchange, foreign postage; plants, seeds, and fertilizers; materials needed for the maintenance and repair of boilers, engines, heating apparatus, electric lighting and power, and water supply; maintenance, repair, and operation of passenger automobiles; rental of tabulating and other mechanical equipment; and other necessary expenses, $48,000. GENERAL PROVISIONS SEC. 102. The appropriations made in this Act for the purchase or manufacture of equipment or material or of a particular class of equipment or material shall be available for the purchase of letters patent, applications for letters patent, and licenses under letters patent and applications for letters patent that pertain to such equipment or material for which the appropriations are made. SEC. 103. No part of any appropriation made for the Navy shall be expended for any of the purposes herein provided for on account of the Navy Department at the seat of government, including per- sonal services of civilians, except as expressly authorized by law. SEC. 104. No part of the appropriations made in this Act shall be available for the salary or pay of any officer, manager, superintend- ent, foreman, or other person or persons having charge of the work of any employee of the United States Government while making or causing to be made with a stop watch or other time-measuring device a time study of any job of any such employee between the starting and completion thereof, or of the movements of any such employee while engaged upon such work; nor shall any part of the appro- priations made in this Act be available to pay any premiums or bonus or cash reward to any employee in addition to his regular wages, except for suggestions resulting in improvements or economy in the operation of any Government plant; and no moneys herein appro- priated for the Naval Establishment or made available therefor shall be used or expended under contracts hereafter made for the repair, purchase, or acquirement, by or from any private contractor, of any naval vessel, machinery, article, or articles that at the time of the proposed repair, purchase, or acquirement can be repaired, manu- factured, or produced in each or any of the Government naval ship- yards or arsenals of the United States, when time and facilities permit, and when, in the judgment of the Secretary, such repair, purchase, acquirement, or production would not involve an appreciable increase in cost to the Government, except when the repair, purchase, or acquire- ment, by or from any private contractor, would, in the opinion of the Secretary, be advantageous to the national defense. Letters patent. Navy funds. Restriction on use. Tlme-measuring de- vices, restriction. Cash rewards, etc. Work by private contractors, restric- tion. 495