Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 1.djvu/570

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60 STAT.] 79TH CONG. , 2D SESS.-CH. 583 -JULY 16, 1946 (31 U. S . C. 95a) and December 23, 1944 (50 U. S . C. 1705-1707); $2,375,000,000: Provided, That the appropriations contained in this Act shall not be available for increased pay for making aerial flights by nonflying officers at a rate in excess of $720 per annum, which shall be the legal maximum rate as to such officers, and such nonflying officers shall be entitled to such rate of increase by performing three or more flights within each ninety-day period, pursuant to orders of competent authority, without regard to the duration of such flight or flights: Provided further, That, during the continuance of the present war and for six months after the termination thereof, a flying officer as defined under existing law shall include flight surgeons, and commissioned officers or warrant officers while undergoing flying training: Provided further, That section 212 of the Act of June 30, 1932 (5 U. S. C. 59a) shall not apply to retired military personnel on duty at the United States Soldiers' Home: Providedfurther,That during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1947, no officer of the Army shall be entitled to receive an addition to his pay in consequence of the provisions of the Act approved May 11, 1908 (10 U. S . C. 803): Provided further, That provisions of law prohibiting the payment of any person not a citizen of the United States shall not apply to mili- tary and civilian personnel in and under the Military Establishment: Providedfurther, That without deposit to the credit of the Treasurer of the United States and withdrawal on money requisitions, receipts of public moneys from sales or other sources by officers of the Army on disbursing duty and charged in their official accounts, except receipts to be credited to river and harbor and flood-control appro- priations, may be used by them as required for current expenditures, all necessary bookkeeping adjustments of appropriations, funds, and accounts to be made in the settlement of their disbursing accounts: Provided further, That no collection or reclamation shall be made by the United States on account of any money paid to assignees, transferees, or allottees, or to others for them, under assignments, transfers, or allotments of pay and allowances made under authority of law where liability might exist with respect to such assignments, transfers, or allotments, or the use of such moneys, because of the death of the assignor, transferor, or allotter: Provided further, That no appropriation contained in this Act shall be used for any expense pertaining to (1) the instruction, education, or training of class IV-E conscientious objectors in colleges, (2) the service of such conscien- tious objectors outside the United States, its Territories and posses- sions, (3) the transportation of such conscientious objectors to or from any college or any such service, or (4) the compensation of mili- tary or civilian personnel performing any services with respect to the matters set forth in (1), (2), or (3) above after the enactment of this Act, except any services which may be necessary promptly to terminate any such class IV-E conscientious-objector college or foreign-service projects existing on the date of the enactment of this Act. Appropriations available to the Military Establishment for the fiscal year 1947 shall be available for reimbursement to such appro- priations of the Naval Establishment as may be designated by the Secretary of the Navy, for the pay, allowances, and other expenses as authorized by law, for such number of naval dental officers as may be authorized by the President to perform service with the Military Establishment: Provided, That such military and naval personnel, as may be detailed for duty with other than the War and Navy Depart- ments, respectively, on a reimbursement basis may be employed in addition to the numbers otherwise authorized and appropriated for. No payment shall be made from money appropriated in this Act to any officer on the retired list of the Army who, for himself or 543 58 Stat. 800, 921. 31 U. S. C., Supp. V,§95a; 50U.S.C., Supp. V, app. §§ 1705- 1707. Aerial flights by non- flying officers. " Flying officer. " 47 Stat. 406. Officer owning mount. 35 Stat. 108 . 10 U. S. C., Supp. V, § 803 note. Citizenship. Use of receipts from sales, etc. Restriction on rec- lamation of certain payments. Conscientious Jectors. ob- Naval dental of- cers Retired offiers en- gaged in selling sup- plies to Army.