Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 1.djvu/64

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60 STAT.] 79TH CONG. , 2D SESS.-CHS. 58 , 80-MAR. 6 . 8 , 1946 lands shall be opened for entry, in tracts varying in size but not exceeding one hundred and sixty acres, as may be determined by the Secretary of the Interior, in accordance with the provisions of the reclamation law, and any such entryman shall pay an equitable share in accordance with the benefits received, as determined by the said Secretary, of the construction cost of said canal and appurtenant structures; said payments to be made in such installments and at such times as may be specified by the Secretary of the Interior in accordance with the provisions of the said reclamation law, and shall constitute revenue from said project and be covered into the fund herein pro- vided for: Provided, That all persons who served in the United States Army, Navy, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard during World War II, the War with Germany, the War with Spain, or in the suppression of the insurrection in the Philippines, and who have been honorably sepa- rated or discharged therefrom or placed in the Regular Army or Naval Reserve, shall have the exclusive preference right for a period of three months to enter said lands, subject, however, to the provisions of sub- section (c) of section 4 of the Act of December 5, 1924 (43 Stat. 672, 702; 43 U. S . C., sec. 433); and also, so far as practicable, preference shall be given to said persons in all construction work authorized by this chapter: Provided further, That the above exclusive preference rights shall apply to veteran settlers on lands watered from the Gila canal in Arizona the same as to veteran settlers on lands watered from the All-American canal in California: Providedfurther, That in the event such an entry shall be relinquished at any time prior to actual residence upon the land by the entryman for not less than one year, lands so relinquished shall not be subject to entry for a period of sixty days after the filing and notation of the relinquishment in the local land office, and after the expiration of said sixty-day period such lands shall be open to entry, subject to the preference in this section provided." Approved March 6, 1946. [CHAPTER 80] AN ACT To eliminate the practice by subcontractors, under cost-plus-a -fixed-fee or cost reimbursable contracts of the United States, of paying fees or kick-backs, or of granting gifts or gratuities to employees of a cost-plus-a -fixed-fee or cost reimbursable prime contractors or of higher tier subcontractors for the purpose of securing the award of subcontracts or orders. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the payment of any fee, commission, or compensation of any kind or the granting of any gift or gratuity of any kind, either directly or indirectly, by or on behalf of a subcontractor, as hereinafter defined, (1) to any officer, partner, employee, or agent of a prime contractor holding a contract entered into by any department, agency, or establishment of the United States for the furnishing of supplies, materials, equipment or services of any kind whatsoever, on a cost-pIus-a-fixed-fee or other cost reim- bursable basis; or to any such prime contractor or (2) to any officer, partner, employee, or agent of a higher tier subcontractor holding a subcontract under the prime contract, or to any such subcontractor either as an inducement for the award of a subcontract or order from the prime contractor or any subcontractor, or as an acknowledgment of a subcontract or order previously awarded, is hereby prohibited. The amount of any such fee, commission, or compensation or the cost or expense of any such gratuity or gift, whether heretofore or hereafter paid or incurred by the subcontractor, shall not be charged, either directly or indirectly, as a part of the contract price charged by the 37 To be opened under reclamation law. 43 Stat. 701. 43U. . c.. 371- 611; Supp. V, 3 373 et seq. Post, p . 867. Payments. Veterans' prefer- ence. Qualifications. 43 U.S. C ., Supp. V, § 433 note. Applicability of rights. Relinquishment. March 8, 194 [H. R. 2284] (Public Law 319] Granting of gifts, etc., by subeontrae- tors.