Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 1.djvu/668

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60 STAT.] 79TH CONG. , 2D SESS.-CHS. 595, 59--JULY 24, 1946 Great Salt Lake, at or near Garfield, Utah, with a view to providing Utah. a harbor for light-draft vessels. The coast of northern California from Point Pinos to the northern California. boundary of the State, including the San Francisco Bay area, with a view to the establishment of harbors for light-draft vessels. Harbor at Camp Pendleton, California, with a view to shore pro- tection. Harbor at Anaheim Bay, California, with a view to shore protection. Harbor at Port Hueneme, California, with a view to shore protection. Ohio River at Brookport, Illinois. Illinois. Drift Creek, Oregon. Oregon. Siuslaw River and Bar, Oregon. Duwamish Waterway, Washington. Washington. Deception Pass, Skagit Bay, Washington. Shilshole Bay, Ballard Locks, Seattle, Washington. Olympia Harbor, Washington. Harbor at Hydaburg, Alaska. Alsk Harbor at Angoon, Alaska. Channel to connect Oliver Inlet and Seymour Canal, Alaska. Tenakee Harbor, Alaska. Harbor at Pelican, Alaska. Harbor at Gustavus, Alaska. Hilo Harbor, Hawaii, including consideration of a seawall to pro- Hawaii. tect against tidal waves and excessive high tides. Kawaihae Harbor, Hawaii. Approved July 24, 1946. [CHAPTER 596] AN ACT Authorizing the construction of certain public works on rivers and harbors for flood control, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That this Act may be cited as the "Flood Control Act of 1946". SEC. 2. That section 3 of the Act approved June 22, 1936 (Public, Numbered 738, Seventy-fourth Congress), as amended by section 2 of the Act approved June 28, 1938 (Public Numbered 761, Seventy- fifth Congress), shall apply to all works authorized in this Act except that for any channel improvement or channel rectification project, provisions (a), (b), and (c) of section 3 of said Act of June 22, 1936, shall apply thereto, and except as otherwise provided by law: Pro- vided, That the authorization for any flood-control project herein adopted requiring local cooperation shall expire five years from the date on which local interests are notified in writing by the War De- partment of the requirements of local cooperation, unless said interests shall within said time furnish assurances satisfactory to the Secretary of War that the required cooperation will be furnished. The provisions of section 1 of the Act of December 22, 1944 (Public, Numbered 534, Seventy-eighth Congress, second session), shall govern with respect to projects herein authorized; and the procedures therein set forth with respect to plans, proposals, or reports for works of improvement for navigation or flood control and for irrigation and purposes incidental thereto shall apply as if herein set forth in full. It is hereby declared to be the policy of the Congress that the follow- ing provisions shall be observed: No project or any modification not authorized, of a project for flood control or rivers and harbors shall be authorized by the Con- gress unless a report for such project or modification has been July 24, 1946 [H. R . 6597] [Public Law 526] Flood Control Act of 1946. State, etc., coopera- tion. 49 Stat. 1571; 52 Slat. 1215. 33U.S.C.§ 7010, 701o-1; Supp. V, 1 701 note. Time limitation. Procedures. 58 Stat. 887 . Declaration of policy. Submission of re- port. 80634--47-PT . I 41 641