Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 1.djvu/678

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60 STAT.] 79TH CONG. , 2D SESS. - CH. 596-JULY 24, 1946 TERRITORY OF ALASKA Modification of the existing project for Skagway on Skagway River and Harbor, Alaska, is hereby authorized substantially in accordance with the recommendations of the Chief of Engineers in House Docu- ment Numbered 695, Seventy-ninth Congress, second session, at an estimated cost of $438,000. SEC. 11 . The Secretary of War is hereby authorized and directed to cause preliminary examinations and surveys for flood control and allied purposes, including channel and major drainage improvements, and floods aggravated by or due to wind or tidal effects, to be made under the direction of the Chief of Engineers, in drainage areas of the United States and its Territorial possessions, which include the following-named localities, and the Secretary of Agriculture is author- ized and directed to cause preliminary examinations and surveys for run-off and waterflow retardation and soil-erosion prevention on such drainage areas; the cost thereof to be paid from appropriations here- tofore or hereafter made for such purposes: Provided, That after the regular or formal reports made on any examination, survey, project, or work under way or proposed are submitted to Congress, no supple- mental or additional report or estimate shall be made unless authorized by law except that the Secretary of War may cause a review of any examination or survey to be made and a report thereon submitted to the Congress if such review is required by the national defense or by changed physical or economic conditions: And provided further, That the Government shall not be deemed to have entered upon any project for the improvement of any waterway or harbor mentioned in this Act until the project for the proposed work shall have been adopted by law: Narraguagus River and tributaries, Maine. Westfield River, Massachusetts, with a view to modifying the exist- ing Knightville Reservoir to provide low flow regulation. Oneida Creek and tributaries, New York. Susquehanna River, at and in the vicinity of Sidney, New York. Hackensack River and tributaries, New Jersey and New York. Schuylkill River and tributaries, Pennsylvania. Marshy Hope Creek and tributaries, Maryland. Caloosahatchie River and Lake Okeechobee Drainage Area, Florida, for drainage improvement and flood control along North New River Canal in Broward County, Florida. Coosa River and tributaries, at and in the vicinity of Rome, Georgia. Choctawhatchee River and tributaries, Alabama and Florida. Cold Water Creek, Calhoun County, Alabama. Big South Fork River and tributaries, Tennessee. Cypress Creek, Harris County, Texas. Port Arthur, Texas (with a view to providing protection against damage from Sabine Lake resulting from erosion and from floods due to hurricane winds and tide). The provision of outlets in the interest of providing egress of flood waters for Jefferson County drainage districts, into existing water- ways in the general vicinity of Port Arthur, Texas, including Taylors Bayou in the interest of flood control, drainage and navigation. Eight-Mile Creek and Locust Creek and their tributaries, Arkansas. Saint Francis Bay Straight Slough and Big Bay Ditch, Arkansas. and tributary area. Choctawhatchee River, Florida and Alabama. Bear Creek, a tributary of Big Black River, Mississippi. Pearl River and tributaries, Mississippi. Lost Creek, Missouri, at and in the vicinity of Seneca, Missouri. Chunky River, Mississippi. 651 Skagway, Alaska. Preliminary examu nations and surveys. Supplemental re- ports, etc., restrio. tion. Maine. Massachusetts New York. New Jersey and New York. Pennsylvania. Maryland. Florida. Georgia. Alabama and Florida. Alabama. Tennessee. Texas. Arkansas Florida and Al- bama. MidsslsppL Missouri Mississippi.