Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 1.djvu/753

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 709-JULY 31, 1946 Restrictions. 50 Stat. 312 . 45 U.S. C. §228f. Ante, p. 722. 50 Stat. 307. 45U. S.C.I228a(a). 50 Stat. 308. 45U. S.C. 228a(). Service included. "Current connection with the railroad in- dustry." 50 Stat. 309. 45 U.S. C. §228b. Post, pp . 727,728. 50 Stat. 312. 45 U. S. C. 228e; Supp. V, §28e. Post, p. 729. duly authorized representative of such employer, and the grant of such leave of absence will have been established to the satisfaction of the Board before July 1947; or (ii) he was in the service of an employer after the enactment date and before January 1946 in each of six calendar months, whether or not consecutive; or (iii) before the enactment date he did not retire and was not retired or discharged from the service of the last employer by whom he was employed or its corporate or operating successor, but (A) solely by reason of his physical or mental disability he ceased before the enactment date to be in the service of such employer and thereafter remained con- tinuously disabled until he attained age sixty-five or until August 1945 or (B) solely for such last stated reason an employer by whom he was employed before the enactment date or an employer who is its successor did not on or after the enactment date and before August 1945 call him to return to service, or (C) if he was so called he was solely for such reason unable to render service in six calendar months as provided in clause (ii); or (iv) he was on the enactment date absent from the service of an employer by reason of a dis- charge which, within one year after the effective date thereof, was protested, to an appropriate labor representative or to the employer, as wrongful, and which was followed within ten years of the effective date thereof by his reinstatement in good faith to his former service with all his seniority rights: Provided,That an individual shall not be deemed to have been on the enactment date in the employment relation to an employer if before that date he was granted a pension or gratuity on the basis of which a pension was awarded to him pur- suant to section 6, or if during the last pay-roll period before the enactment date in which he rendered service to an employer he was not in the service of an employer, in accordance with subsection (c), with respect to any service in such pay-roll period, or if he could have been in the employment relation to an employer only by reason of his having been, either before or after the enactment date in the service of a local lodge or division defined as an employer in section 1 (a). SEC. 202. Section 1 (f) is amended by changing the period at the end of the proviso to a semicolon and adding "it may also be included as to service rendered to a person not an employer in the perform- ance of operations involving the use of standard railroad equipment if such operations were performed by an employer on the enactment date." Section 1 (f) is further amended by substituting for the word "An" in the next to the last sentence the following: "Ultimate fractions shall be taken at their actual value, except that if the indi- vidual will have had not less than fifty-four months of service, an" and by striking out the last sentence. SEa. 203. A new subsection is added to section 1 as follows: "(o) An individual shall be deemed to have 'a current connection with the railroad industry' at the time an annuity begins to accrue to him and at death if, m any thirty consecutive calendar months before the month in which an annuity under section 2 begins to accrue to him (or the month in which he dies if that first occurs), he will have been in service as an employee in not less than twelve calendar months and, if such thirty calendar months do not immediately precede such month, he will not have been engaged in any regular employment other than employment for an employer in the period before such month and after the end of such thirty months. For the purposes of section 5 only, an individual shall be deemed also to have a 'current connection with the railroad industry' if he is in all other respects completely insured but would not be fully insured under the 726 [60 STAT.