Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 1.djvu/799

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 724-AUG. 1 , 1946 Ante, pp . 760, 768. 36 Stat. 1093, 1136. 28 U.S . C . §§41(20), 260. 25 Stat. 357 . Ante, pp. 244, 243. Ante, p. 237. "Agency action," "agency. " Ante, p. 237. Functions. Reports. COMPENSATION FOR PRIVATE PROPERTY ACQUIRED SEC. 13. (a). The United States shall make just compensation for any property or interests therein taken or requisitioned pursuant to sections 5 and 11. The Commission shall determine such compensa- tion. If the compensation so determined is unsatisfactory to the person entitled thereto, such person shall be paid 50 per centum of the amount so determined, and shall be entitled to sue the United States in the Court of Claims or in any district court of the United States in the manner provided by sections 24 (20) and 145 of the Judicial Code to recover such further sum as added to said 50 per centum will make up such amount as will be just compensation. (b) In the exercise of the rights of eminent domain and condemna- tion, proceedings may be instituted under the Act of August 1, 1888 (U. S . C ., title 40, sec. 257), or any other applicable Federal statute. Upon or after the filing of the condemnation petition, immediate possession may be taken and the property may be occupied, used, and improved for the purposes of this Act, notwithstanding any other law. Real property acquired by purchase, donation, or other means of transfer may also be occupied, used, and improved for the purposes of this Act, prior to approval of title by the Attorney General. JUDICIAL REVIEW AND ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE SEC. 14 . (a) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 12 of the Administrative Procedure Act (Public Law 404, Seventy-ninth Con- gress, approved June 11, 1946) which provide when such Act shall take effect, section 10 of such Act (relating to judicial review) shall be applicable, upon the enactment of this Act, to any agency action under the authority of this Act or by any agency created by or under the provisions of this Act. (b) Except as provided in subsection (a), no provision of this Act shall be held to supersede or modify the provisions of the Administra- tive Procedure Act. (c) As used in this section the terms "agency action" and "agency" shall have the same meaning as is assigned to such terms in the Administrative Procedure Act. JOINT COMMITTEE ON ATOMIC ENERGY SEC. 15. (a) There is hereby established a Joint Committee on Atomic Energy to be composed of nine Members of the Senate to be appointed by the President of the Senate, and nine Members of the House of Representatives to be appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives. In each instance not more than five mem- bers shall be members of the same political party. (b) The joint committee shall make continuing studies of the activities of the Atomic Energy Commission and of problems relating to the development, use, and control of atomic energy. The Commis- sion shall keep the joint committee fully and currently informed with respect to the Commission's activities. All bills, resolutions, and other matters in the Senate or the House of Representatives relating primarily to the Commission or to the development, use, or control of atomic energy shall be referred to the joint committee. The mem- bers of the joint committee who are Members of the Senate shall from time to time report to the Senate, and the members of the joint committee who are Members of the House of Representatives shall from time to time report to the House, by bill or otherwise, their recommendations with respect to matters within the jurisdiction of their respective Houses which are (1) referred to the joint com- mittee or (2) otherwise within the jurisdiction of the joint committee. [60 STAT.