Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 1.djvu/856

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79TH OONG. , 2D SESS.-CH. 753-AUG. 2 ,1946 signature of the chairman of the committee or any subcommittee, or by any member designated by any such chairman, and may be served by any person designated by any such chairman or member. "(r) Committee on Veterans' Affairs. "1. Veterans' measures generally. "2. Pensions of all the wars of the United States, general and special. "3. Life insurance issued by the Government on account of service in the armed forces. "4. Compensation, vocational rehabilitation, and education of veterans. "5. Veterans' hospitals, medical care, and treatment of veterans. "6. Soldiers' and sailors' civil relief. "7. Readjustment of servicemen to civil life. "(s) Committee on Ways and Means. "1. Revenue measures generally. "2. The bonded debt of the United States. "3. The deposit of public moneys. "4. Customs, collection districts, and ports of entry and delivery. "5. Reciprocal trade agreements. "6. Transportation of dutiable goods. "7. Revenue measures relating to the insular possessions. "8. National social security. "(2) (a) The following-named committees shall have leave to report at any time on the matters herein stated, namely: The Commit- tee on Rules-on rules, joint rules, and order of business; the Com- mittee on House Administration-on the right of a Member to his seat, enrolled bills, on all matters referred to it of printing for the use of the House or the two Houses, and on all matters of expenditure of the contingent fund of the House; the Committee on Ways and Means- on bills raising revenue; the Committee on Appropriations-on the general appropriation bills; the Committee on Public Works-on bills authorizing the improvement of rivers and harbors: the Committee on the Public Lands-on bills for the forfeiture of land grants to railroad and other corporations, bills preventing speculation in the public lands, bills for the reservation of the public lands for the benefit of actual and bona fide settlers, and bills for the admission of new States; the Committee on Veterans Affairs-on general pension bills. "(b) It shall always be in order to call up for consideration a report from the Committee on Rules (except it shall not be called up for consideration on the same day it is presented to the House, unless so determined by a vote of not less than two-thirds of the Members voting, but this provision shall not apply during the last three days of the session), and, pending the consideration thereof the Speaker may entertain one motion that the House adjourn; but after the result is announced he shall not entertain any other dilatory motion until the said report shall have been fully disposed of. The Committee on Rules shall not report any rule or order which shall provide that business under paragraph 7 of rule XXIV shall be set aside by a vote of less than two-thirds of the Members present; nor shall it report any rule or order which shall operate to prevent the motion to recommit being made as provided in paragraph 4 of rule XVI. "(c) The Committee on Rules shall present to the House reports concerning rules, joint rules, and order of business, within three legislative days of the time when ordered reported by the committee. If such rule or order is not considered immediately, it shall be referred to the calendar and, if not called up by the Member making the report within seven legislative days thereafter, any member of the Rules Committee may call it up as a question of privilege and the Speaker Reports of desig- nated committees. Reports from Com- mittee on Rules. 829 60 STAT.]