Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 1.djvu/988

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60 STAT.] 79TH CONG., 2D SESS.-CHS. 919,920,928-AUG. 8,9, 1946 "(b) For the extension of Rock Creek Park into Maryland, as may be agreed upon between the National Capital Park and Planning Com- mission and the Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Com- mission, for the preservation of the flow of water in Rock Creek, for the extension of the Anacostia Park system up the valley of the Ana- costia River, Indian Creek, Paint Branch and Little Paint Branch, the Northwest Branch and Sligo Creek; of the Oxon Run Parkway from the District of Columbia line to Marlboro Road, and of the George Washington Memorial Parkway up the valley of Cabin John Creek, Little Falls Branch, and Willet Run, as may be agreed upon between the National Capital Park and Planning Commission and the Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission, $1,500,000 :". Approved August 8, 1946. [CHAPTER 920] JOINT RESOLUTION To provide for the transfer of the painting "First Fight of Ironclads, Monitor and Merrimac", now stored in the United States Capitol Building, to the cus- tody of the United States Naval Academy. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the painting "First Fight of Ironclads, Monitor and Merrimac", by William Formby Halsall, now stored in the United States Capitol Building, be, and the same is hereby, transferred to the permanent custody of the United States Naval Academy. The removal and transport of this painting from the Capitol to the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis, Maryland, shall be effected at the expense of said Academy, and the Architect of the Capitol shall act for the Joint Committee on the Library in carrying out the provisions of this joint resolution. Approved August 8, 1946. [CHAPTER 928] AN ACT To authorize the course of instruction at the United States Merchant Marine Academy to be given to not exceeding twelve persons at a time from the Amer- ican republics, other than the United States. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Chairman of the United States Maritime Commission is hereby authorized to permit, upon designation of the President of the United States, not exceeding twelve persons at a time from the American republis (other than the United States) to receive instruction in the United States Merchant Marine Cadet Corps and at the United States Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point, New York. Not more than two persons from any of such republics shall receive instruction under authority of this Act at the same time. The persons receiving instruc- tion under authority of this Act shall receive the same pay, allow- ances, and emoluments, to be paid from the same appropriations, and, subject to such exceptions as may be determined by the Chairman of the United States Maritime Commission, shall be subject to the same rules and regulations governing admission, attendance, discipline, resignation, discharge, dismissal, and graduation as cadet-midship- men at the Merchant Marine Academy appointed from the United States; but such persons shall not be entitled to appointment to any office or position in the United States Merchant Marine by reason of their graduation from the Merchant Marine Academy. Approved August 9, 1946. 80634--47 -PT . I -61 961 Extension of Rock Creek Park, etc. August 8, 1946 [S. 3 . Res. 1861 [Public Law 700] Transferofpainting. August 9, 1946 [H. R. 1751] [Public Law 701] U. S. Merchant Marino Academy. Instruction of per sons from American republics.