Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 2.djvu/266

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PROCLAMATIONS-JULY 3, 1946 3. All that plot of land, including the improvements thereon, designated as Lot No. 6 of Block 501 of the Cadastral survey for the City of Manila, situated in the District of Malate, bounded on the northeast by part of Calle M. H. Del Pilar (Lot No. 15 of Block No. 501), on the southeast by property of Mercedes Martines MacLeod (Lot No. 5 of Block No. 501), on the southwest by property of the City of Manila (Lot No. 9 of Block No. 501), and on the northwest by public property reserved for military purposes (Lot No. 8 of Block No. 501), and by military reservation; containing a total of 3490 square meters and 30 square decimeters, more or less. Title registered in the name of the Government of the United States of America on May 22, 1946, by transfer Certificate of Title 79309, recorded by Register of Deeds for the City of Manila in Book T272, Page 59. 4. All that plot of land, including the improvements thereon, situated in the District of Malate, and designated as Lot 29B of Subdivision plan portion of Lot 29, Block 539 of Cadastral survey of the City of Manila, the area containing 3464 square meters and 80 square decimeters, more or less. 5. All that plot of land, including the improvements thereon, designated as Lot No. 860 under Certifleate of Title 12515 and Tax Declaration 2860 for Pasay, located on Dewey Boulevard, Pasay, Rizal, Philippines, area containing 6499 square meters and 40 square decimeters, more or less. 6. All that plot of land, including the improvements thereon, designated as Lots A, B1, and B2B, parts of Block No. 33 of Pasay Estates Company Ltd., in the District of San Rafael, Municipality of Pasay, Province of Rizal; the three parcels of land forming one unit bounded on the north by Del Pan Avenue, on the east by property of F. C . Laing and Lot B2A, on the south by property of De La Rama Steamship Company, and on the west by Dewey Boulevard; contain- ing a total area of 5,712 square meters and 92 square decimeters, more or less. Title registered in the name of the Government of the United States of America by Register of Deeds for the City of Manila on June 4, 1946, by transfer Certificates of Title 48576, recorded in Book T252, Page 126, 48577 recorded in Book T252, Page 127, and 48578 recorded m Book T252, Page 128. 7. All that plot of land, including the improvements thereon, and designated as Lot No. 23, Block No. 2633, situated in the District of San Miguel, City of Manila, bounded on the north by Calle Arlegui, on the east by Lot No. 24, Block No. 2633, on the southeast by Lot No. 17, Block No. 2633, on the southwest by Lot No. 19, Block No. 2633, and on the west by Lot No. 18, Block No. 2633; containing an area of 4,924 square meters and 60 square decimeters, more or less. Recorded by Register of Deeds for the City of Manila as Transcript Certificate of Title No. 73102, Book No. 250, Page 232. 8. All that plot of land, including the improvements thereon, designated as Lot No. 9 of Block No. 501 of Cadastral survey of the City of Manila, situated in the Districts of Ermita and Malate, bounded on the northeast by Lot No. 6 of Block No. 501, on the southeast by Lots 5 and 10 of Block 501, on the southwest by Cavite Boulevard, and on the northwest by Lot No. 8 of Block No. 501; containing a total area of 289 square meters and 40 square decimeters, more or less. Title registered in the name of the Government of the United States of America on May 22, 1946, by transfer Certificate of Title 79310, recorded by Register of Deeds for the City of Manila in Book T272, Page 60. This property is known as the Dewey Arms Apartments. 9. All that plot of land, including the improvements thereon, and designated on the Consolidated Plan as Lots No. 3-B, 4, 5, 8 and 9, 1351 60 STAT. ]