Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 2.djvu/274

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1360 65 Stat. 1172. Continuance in force. Inoperative provi- sions. 55 Stat. 1146. Inter-American Coffee Board. Analysis of world coffee situation; rec- ommendations. TREATIES [60 STAT. for one-year periods, these extensions being duly attested by two certified and signed Declarations passed by the Inter-American Coffee Board on May 12, 1943 and July 25, 1944,[1] respectively, which were duly deposited in the Pan American Union on June 11, 1943 and September 11, 1944, respectively, in accordance with the procedure established in Article XXIV of the Agreement. Now, THEREFORE, in support of a recommendation made by the Inter-American Coffee Board on June 13, 1945, the Governments signatory to the present Protocol, considering that it is expedient that the Agreement should be prolonged for a further term, subject to the conditions stated below, have agreed as follows: ARTICLE 1 Subject to the provisions of Article 2 hereof, the Agreement shall continue in force between the Governments signatory to the present Protocol for a period of one year from October 1, 1945. ARTICLE 2 During the period specified in Article 1 above, the Governments signatory to the present Protocol agree that the provisions of Articles I through and including VIII of the Agreement shall be inoperative, except that, under emergency conditions, such articles of the Agree- ment shall again become effective upon a motion approved by at least a 95% of the total vote of the Inter-American Coffee Board. ARTICLE 3 a. The Governments signatory to the present Protocol agree that, during the period specified in Article 1 above, the Inter-American Coffee Board shall undertake to prepare a thorough analysis of the world coffee situation and shall formulate recommendations, for the consideration of the governments now participating in the Agreement and of other governments that might be interested in participating in a revised agreement, regarding the type of international cooperation that appears most likely to contribute to the development of sound, prosperous conditions in international trade in coffee equitable for both producers and consumers. b. Such recommendations shall take due account of any general principles of commodity policy embodied in any agreement which may be concluded under the auspices of the United Nations prior to the submission of such recommendations. ARTICLE 4 The present Protocol shall be open for signature at the Pan American Union from September 1, 1945 until November 1, 1945, provided, however, that all signatures shall be deemed to have effect as of October 1, 1945. [Not printed.]